Personally, I think that it is a pretty good idea. It does have its problems though. I feel like set rolls will cause certain weapons to be terrible simply because of bad rolls. At the same time, it takes away some if not most of the grinding. How do you feel about this change?
On one hand it's nice that whenever you get X weapon, you get X weapon and your grinding is over. I got about 20 Treads Upon Stars and NONE of them were even remotely decent rolls :( However, there was that gamblers high, so to speak, whenever you got a weapon, checked it out and it turned out to be a god roll weapon. I think many people will miss that. But, with set rolls, we'll see how that turns out. Like many people, can't begin to describe the headache of grinding to get a specific weapon only for it to be a crap roll. With set rolls that'll eliminate that headache but then it'll be an issue of will I ever get X weapon to drop.