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Edited by Nike: 7/24/2017 4:36:52 PM

IGN: Exploring Nessus' Lost Sectors, Public Events, and Adventures.

In this 8 minute video, Bungie gives a sneak peek of some adventures we'll have in Nessus. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
#Destiny #IGN

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  • Edited by StormySkies247: 7/24/2017 8:40:36 PM
    It looks nice but pve is the biggest joke I've ever seen the guns do crap damage and so does everything else all for PVP. Until they seperate PvP from pve this game is trash!!!!

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    72 Replies
    • I don't care who hates what in this game. I'm stoked and going to have a blast when it drops! Don't like it? Don't play it. Very simple

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    • All of this sounds fantastic, other than weekly featured content which really needs to die... Timegating content in a game that doesn't have a subscription is truly cancer; I shouldn't feel like I have to play the game every single day because if I miss something I might have to wait a month to experience it. This was one of the few things that I absolutely hated in TTK and RoI managed to make it worse somehow and now D2 is going to follow suit. I get it, they don't want people to clear all the content in a week and complain it's too short but time gating content and then preventing people from experiencing it if they are not available when it is available is bad for consumers. Worst part is people are still going to complain about the amount of content no matter how slowly they trickle it into the game, so why even bother...

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      5 Replies
      • So, about nessus...... Anyone else get the impression it started life as venus and was held back from Destiny 1 to be reskinned with red shrubs and presented as an all new location?

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        30 Replies
        • Looks good to me,plenty to do.

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        • This planet and the others are going to.l be amazing and filled with so much to do and to find out to strengthen your guardian

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        • I'm actually pretty excited about this stuff.

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        • Anyone else notice they re-used a public event from D1 and just gave it a new name?

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          5 Replies
          • It sure looks like a nice improvement over D1 patrol . However overall the other regressions on D2 are way too much for me. Thats why this patron doesn't mean much. If they revert to old weapon system , if RNG weapon perks will return and Bungie acknowledge to separate PVP from PVE , then D2 may win me back as a Guardian.

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by ill nino nl: 7/25/2017 4:08:10 AM
              Cry all you want, I'm a fanboy and I'm going to enjoy this shiat for at least 3k hours! Hype!

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              6 Replies
              • It's just a pity that players didn't get to explore...

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                1 Reply
                • More pew pew pew, should be called Destiny Pew.

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                  2 Replies
                  • I just hope they have enough weapons and armor under the no perk roll change to keep us playing long time, cause the amount of PvE stuff that gives them as rewards has increasd tenfold.

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                  • Public events are probably going to be much populated now due to the simple fact that everyone's going to know where they are and when they actually happen. FINALLY! I hate being the ONLY ONE at a public event. PVE content is so much better, but the gameplay is what everyone's pissed about. Something Bungie already stated that will be different at launch. (They better increase super recharges.)

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                    12 Replies
                    • Even in this video, the grenade launcher seemed useless and the supers and nades regen time was sluggish at best.

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                    • So The Beta threw me in Nessus last night! I went in the inverted spire strike and I was thrown in it! I jumped around for a good 30 mins! When I left, I was dizzy! There was sooo much up and down... And pretty much every other yellow bar that I would kill would drop a purple box! Wasnt bad but very similar to D1. You could get into the strike from within the open world which was cool... Wish I had a couple of my friends on, I'm sure it would be more fun to explore!

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                    • Can't wait.

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                    • Edited by JHarv: 7/24/2017 11:01:31 PM
                      cant say im a fan of how many times they have to shoot red bars with their primaries to get a kill. is pve really going to turn into bullet spray, reload, bulley spray, reload, bulley spray, reload... the grenade launcher literally did no damage. i'm hoping the worlds will be huge and have lots to do, not just the same couple of activities that you repeat every week for 6 months. content is not how many repeatable things you can have people do. content is the length of time you can spend doing new things and STILL have things you haven't seen yet. im hoping that these patrols spawn in areas where you aren't just waiting around to see if they happen. that's one thing i liked about the archon's forge. you could just zone in, chill with a few other guys farming some bosses for a while, and leave when you were bored. sometimes mindless activities that have a bit of a grind but still that element of easy team play for loot can be fun. i enjoyed collecting a full archon's forge set of gear in my off time, where i could also try different weapons. i also really hope that there are more than 4 people in any given zone. destiny 1 felt so small. you'd ride through one zone, phase out, and there might be one other guardian around. i want to feel like i'm a part of a world that has lots of other people in it. i want to run into random people, kill steal, dance, mess around, troll, and cooperate. that's a lot of freaking hope, man. im waiting until after release to make a judgment on whether to buy it, and if i watch twitch streams and read reviews that don't address these fundamental aspects of a true pve game, i'm moving on.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Edited by JHarv: 7/25/2017 12:12:26 AM
                        Amount of things to repeat is not content. To me, content is the duration you can play a game for without ever doing or seeing the same thing twice. If patrols are still these little 5 minute loops with a few more repeatable objectives to do in them that rotate every week, that isn't really a PvE adventure or open world. I still want to be able to hop into my ship and go to that mountain way off in the distance to find a new set of enemies and quests there. I want a planet to feel like a planet, not my neighborhood that i've seen millions of times. Here's to hoping that by Destiny 6 they'll have that figured out. Until then, it's just Borderlands with world quests and less weapon loadouts.

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                        39 Replies
                        • So we just gonna be all smiley and happy when they said adventures are the same quests we did in d1 . some of it is rewording but carry on sippin that cool aid

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                          3 Replies
                          • i really love destiny 2 , the game will be good imo >>>>> I JUST CANT GET OVER THE FACT MY SHOTgUNS AND SiNPERS ARE HEAVIES IN PVE :( i feel like that will make pve gameplay boring like it did when i tried the strike i wish bungie reverse that but hey we need to put freakin pvp first

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                            1 Reply
                            • anyone else notice how all the comments saying how nice it is that pve is getting improved are getting down votes?

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                              27 Replies
                              • It looks cool, and I'm still going to get D2, but I have to say: Cool PvE content: 10 steps forward The new Loadout system turning destiny into a reload simulator: 50 steps back

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                              • Looks amazing, i cannot wait!

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                              • Edited by Lepidopterophobia: 7/25/2017 10:59:05 AM
                                People are pointing out that gun damage is not good against AI in the beta. Do you remember the Destiny beta? Max level was 8 and the Devil's Lair Strike was level 8 as well. I remember having to sit at that Walker for ages chunking away its health. I also remember the strike being not easy. Damage wasn't high, and enemies kicked my ass. Sound familiar? That's because we're level with the enemies in the beta just like the Destiny beta. This means we won't be doing substantial damage to enemies and shouldn't expect to have an easy time as we do in Destiny currently. Just look at this:

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                                22 Replies
                                • Looks like bungie figured out how to use the shaders on Venus....great job.

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