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7/21/2017 3:50:56 AM

Super/ Heath Regeneration

In Destiny 1 I played mostly around my primary and my grenades within close quarters and I quickly realized that wasn't going to fly in Destiny 2. I was cool with the fact that I was going to have to wait for a grenade or melee charge to reset along with power ammo spawning every couple times a match. Every time I got hit I had to wait at least 6 seconds for my health to start regenerating if I wasn't on a warlock (with Healing Rift). 1) In Destiny 2's Beta I feel like it is a painful crawl to gain at least 1 super charge per crucible match. Even in PvE i'm constantly glancing down to look for my Nova or my Arc Staff to be ready. Mind you that I don't play full intellect in D1, I play with 1 tier of intellect and with 5 tiers of discipline and strength. -My concluding fix would be to add a 10-15% increase on the recharge rates of the super recharges on all sub-classes. I would also prevent the usage of Supercharging grenades unless the user's super is 50% full as to prevent overpowering ability spam. 2) The only thing I would change about shield regeneration is changing the time from 6 down to 4.5 seconds. That way it still provides the player the ability to escape a dangerous situation or their enemy to track them down and re-engage. I'm not entirely sure if this will help Bungie make Destiny 2 a better game but I know that both me and the group that I play with feel the same about these things. If you took the time to read this, tell me what you would like changed and how it can be done to help better the game.

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