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7/21/2017 3:01:59 AM

Beta Feedback: Psions and "Secondary Traits"

I've noticed that the Psion snipers are a bit too easy to dodge. Between the color loud beam that shines in your face and the slow as molasses projectiles, I feel like the Psion snipers are just a bit too easy to side step to a point that they feel like a joke. Compared to the Fallen Wire Rifle and the Vex Line Rifle, the Pisons... what ever they are called since I have yet to be killed by one they are so bad are, I hate to say, in need of a buff to be any sort of challenging. Secondly, the secondary traits such as Resilience, Recovery, and Mobility are also underwhelming. Im not even sure if they provide much of a difference in PvP or PvE. If they do then I have yet to notice. I feel this was an issue in D1 as well where these traits were mostly useless aside from Speed being needed to max out certain unnecessary jumps. I just don't see any use in these traits unless they have a notable impact and might as well be either scrubbed or implemented more strongly.

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