So I've read all the reviews and opinions on the D2 Beta so far; I've spotted an interesting trend in the opinions from the ones that are saying it's great and are loving it.
All of these Bungie defenders have sub 5000 Grimoire, No "From the beginning" node unlocked on Y3 MoT and have 1000 Hours or less gameplay time.
You will say Grimoire doesn't mean shit, but it's an uncanny trend that I've spotted.
Any D1 Alpha/Beta Vets with 5500+ Grimoire and 3000 Hours logged have anything good to say about this D2 Beta?
I'm curious...
I've played on 2 accounts, hazard127 and Undiiviidual. I started playing just when The Dark Below came out and I was hooked. I'd maybe be closer to 5000 if I had all of those wolf public event grimoire cards. If you want to go check me out, on my Year 1 account hazard127 I exclusively played on the hunter but maybe put like 4 days into the Titan. I shared this account with my brother but I made Undiiviidual and all of time was clocked by me. I love everything about the beta. Nuff said.