Is somebody mad that he can't snipe people from the back and actually has to engage in a 1v1 gunfight with someone?
1v1? Lololol. No chance. Not happening. It's shoot and hide. So boring. Rewards pussyplay.
and it takes less skill...a casual shooter...
1v1 fights are rare... extremely rare. Thats what I have seen and what I am hearing.
I play solo and usually do my own thing. Control has been my main game since D1 so I am very familiar with how to play. I usually have 1v1 fights in D2 with the exception when their is a fireteam of four people and they all run together elsewhere like butt buddies. When that happens though you should figure out a strategy that hurts them. If two people attack you and kill you then that is only +1 kill for them. If you kill both of them then it is a +2 for you, assuming you both only have 1 zone controlled.