So I've read all the reviews and opinions on the D2 Beta so far; I've spotted an interesting trend in the opinions from the ones that are saying it's great and are loving it.
All of these Bungie defenders have sub 5000 Grimoire, No "From the beginning" node unlocked on Y3 MoT and have 1000 Hours or less gameplay time.
You will say Grimoire doesn't mean shit, but it's an uncanny trend that I've spotted.
Any D1 Alpha/Beta Vets with 5500+ Grimoire and 3000 Hours logged have anything good to say about this D2 Beta?
I'm curious...
Edited by Seldser: 7/19/2017 7:19:43 AMAlright, how about me then? Story mission felt awesome, new weapon system is interesting but PvE damage could use a slight buff, 10% max. Haven't played PvP yet, but from what I've heard Control is quite fun and better balanced but supers may charge very late into the game. Super charge time should be decreased so as to guarantee a player can use one per match, two if they play well. If I remember to after work, I'll edit this with my personal first impressions of PvP.