More cartoonish.
Much slower.
Pve ok.
Pvp not ok.
Kinda sad right now.
Already shut it down. Had planned to play a bunch today. Got bored in pvp very quickly. Will be playing d1 shortly.
Control 4v4 felt like a slow campy game of salvage. Pvp will be much sweatier, making it less fun for the vast majority of players. Feels like a teamshot contest. I liked that d1 pvp was different than all other games.
Im average in pvp at best but generally I suck ...played 2 matches....faakin sweaty
Not necessarily...its pretty faakin sweaty
Have fun in D1 then 👋🏻
Pvp is brilliant what u talking about so much more competitive now
More competitive? It rewards you for hiding and running away. Avoiding gunfights is more important than getting into one. I'm not a fan of how D1 became an abilityfest but this is just as bad if not worse.
D1 is more competitive than the beta (full game might be better).
Competitive?? Splatoon is more competitive. Just slower and boring. Enjoy it.
Enjoying PVP, all my matches have been pretty fast paced. Definitely gonna want to team up if you can with it being 4v4 now though.
slow and campy isn't how i'm getting lobbies mine are a bit too fast now and then... just got mercied lol i'm liking it.
Quite enjoying the pvp. Not keen on the changes to control though, it has to be said.
How is it more cartoonish?
The colours are a little crisper and the animations are faster this time around, which makes it seem more cartoonish, but it's no more stylized than D1 was.