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Edited by xIXEROHOURIx: 7/18/2017 10:53:27 PM

It takes a millennium to get your super

So is it just me or is anyone else about to die of old age trying to get their super in D2? I can't find a way to boost the charge rate either. [i]~Nyahh! =^,.,^=[/i]

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  • Edited by RiDONkulous: 7/19/2017 4:11:44 AM
    Bro guardians live on, like, geologic time scale level lifespans, man. What's a few hours to charge a super? < / / / / / / / #~~=*^`'`'"

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by mxgreg: 7/18/2017 7:54:04 PM
      That's what all the whiners wanted. Primary focused everything. Although it's typical bungo... Not only do they make supers weaker, they have to also slow down the recharge rate. Since everything has been nerfed, why was the recharge rate lowered?

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      29 Replies
      • By the time I got my super destiny 5 beta was releasing

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      • Agreed. I had a 10 kill streak in crucible and still only had my super charged at around 60%. Wtf?! Bungie change it!!

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      • And I like it that way.

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        4 Replies
        • All in Destiny 2 beta was nerfed if you comparte to d1, unless the fusion rifles.

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        • all abilities and supers are too slow to come back imo.

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        • Edited by WulfPak666: 7/19/2017 1:50:07 AM
          I wouldn't mind the slow as hell ability charge in PvE if the enemies would drop me some ammo. I swear to Geebus, I've run out of everything at least 4-5 times per game in that strike. There was even 2 instances where no one on my team had any ammo left to kill the boss or kill the ads in the final area. It feels like the guns are so darn weak even in PvE. Like lordy, the Titans LMG takes like 100 bullets to kill 1 enemy.. and you can forget about using it on the Red Legion lawrdy they are bullet sponges. The only guns that seem to kill stuff fast are Handcannons and some pulse rifles. *My friend wanted me to add, "the grenade launcher sucks ass, needs mondo buffage." Bungie, please disable Trickle and Juggler as passively activate perks in Destiny 2.

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          6 Replies
          • Copying my thread from Reddit on this Especially in PvP. 99% of the time no one gets a super until a team is around 60 points. There are times I never actually get to use my super. Compared to Destiny 1 it feels too slow. Anyone else feel like this? Also it is very slow in pve. I can get over 100 kills in a strike and be lucky if I get my super 3 times. It's nothing like destiny 1 at all. For reference, in Destiny 1 supers had a base charge rate of 5 minutes and 30 seconds. According to /u/Silver_Sentience Golden Gun has a 7 minute 30 second base cooldown. Control games are 8 minutes long for reference

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          • I like the slower charge rate on supers/nades/etc., especially in PVP. Players need to rely more on shooting guns rather than spamming their abilities. Overall, I'm really happy with the changes to PVP.

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            12 Replies
            • I'm more concerned about the evade cool down on arc strider. I barely remember it's an option it's so slow

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              1 Reply
              • Edited by SchlitzML: 7/19/2017 2:31:31 AM
                Lucky to get a super off before the match ends lol. Takes too long to kill also. Most guns do trash damage. Just feels off for me Also I did better just punching my way through crucible, sadly

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                3 Replies
                • Once again, PvE being affected by a shit attempt at a balanced PvP.

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                  47 Replies
                  • Twas the night after beta, and everything was trash, Many had cancelled thier preorders, Bungievision's stocks, sure to crash. With eight parts nerf, and two parts lag, the playerbase agreed, Luke Smith is a "Why does arcstrider suck?" has been the cry, We all know the answer though, [spoiler]Bungie lie[/spoiler] So the beta is garbage, and the community in tatters, but forget about that guys, it's Bungie's $$$ that matters. We've all persevered, with this dying brand, we keep feeding these trolls money, and they keep biting out hand. They fail to deliver at ever turn, yet there's still the same old sheep, saying it's my money to burn. It's not just Bungie though, the problem is MUCH broader, the answer is above [spoiler][i][b]My name.[/b][/i][/spoiler]

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                    14 Replies
                    • Edited by SwaggKnuckles: 7/19/2017 3:34:47 AM
                      It looks and feels like cheap knock off. It's like it was made by amateurs.

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                    • I agree. This way we cant all know that they are coming at the end of the round.

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                    • It's better this way. Supers shouldn't be the focus of your guardian in PVP.

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                      1 Reply
                      • #warlock voidwalker masterclass, abylity to drain grenade energy for super energy

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                        4 Replies
                        • Edited by zNapSack: 7/19/2017 4:18:21 AM
                          I was beginning to wonder because I've been sitting on a ledge here for several hours now waiting for my super bar to fill. Standby... Alright, got another Hobgoblin! Yeah, this is going to take a while. >;)

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                        • That's a shame sounds like already making the pve side miserable to avoid the imminent crying and complaining about supers and ammo from the pvp side. Really had hoped bungie would have left the pve players gear and abilities alone this time

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                          5 Replies
                          • Maybe some disagree, but I wish the rate was boosted slightly just for the beta so you can really experience the new supers.

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                          • It does seem extremely long. I usually only get one super maybe two at best per game. Not sure if thats good or bad the game is too new to tell.

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                          • Plus shotguns and snipers as havy is hurting d2 that's why I will cancel my pre order d2 feels like kids game don't ask don't say just shot

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                          • Yes supers take a long time to charge but the radar sucks the most imo to much delay after taking you finger off the aim button.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Critical hits boost super but less than D1

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                            • Other than that, crucible is pretty much balanced. Nobody can snipe like they use to...straight up gun fight now 🙄

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