Visiting small streams can also raise the streamer's morale to broadcast frequently, help them grow, and try to make a difference for the viewer's entertainment. Smaller streams also tend to be quite comfy, calm and just to relax without everything as you said, being exaggerated.
I'm salty so calm is not me lol. But last game i did was dark souls so.... But yes, smaller streams don't feel the need to exaggerate, atleast not as much, were happy with views and don't beg for subs, donations, etc. He'll I don't have any of that even set up for when I do, I just broadcast.
Sometimes when I stream Overwatch competitive I can get a little tilted, being a little annoyed once in a while is human after all, lol.
Just got into overwatch, did my first comp and holy hell was that a sweatfest. On the plus side, I make a decent Mcree.
Very nice, there are good and bad times, and many times where it feels like your teammates assume they chose 'quickplay' and perform accordingly.
Hoping it goes better. That was just my very first comp match ever, took bout 35 min and went 5 rounds. Feel we got an easy team as my team didn't switch any comps minus myself. I tried to stick to characters that benefit the map (hanamura) and countered some of the enemy.
You can do it!