Went to GameStop, pre-ordered Destiny 2, guy told me to redeem the code ASAP off my receipt, so I get home, redeem the code, wait until now ready for my code when my friend tells me he got his only to find this
when I'm ready to get it: Redeemed Codes
Destiny 2 Beta
Offer Platform Code
No Results
Offer Details Date
No Results
That's all that shows up. I can't find any place to select console and what not it just says I have redeemed the code and then No Results.. I wish to play as soon as I can so please help me quickly resolve this issue Bungie, thanks! - Guardian Zaygath
you will receive - should've received an email from bungie saying to go on bungie site to get code. look in your emails. your gamestop code you registered was to save your spot then when bungie is ready they send you an email with the steps to get the beta code. i just received the email today with the code.(clicked on link to go to bungie etc...in the email.)