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Edited by bip: 7/13/2017 4:33:21 AM

There may be a lot more red bars coming in the future.

None of us like lag. It ruins our games. We've always been highly vocal about this issue towards Bungie, and for good reason. However, we may soon see the servers of Destiny 2 flooded with red bars, and it won't be the player's, nor Bungie's fault. The FCC, a part of the U.S government that regulates communications, cable, broadband, and internet, is planning on pushing the plan to remove Net Neutrality protections. I won't go into the nitty gritty, as there's a lot of technical stuff to it, but imagine it as this: the Internet will become cable. Do you wanna browse Netflix? Well you'll have to buy your ISP's (Internet Service Provider) [b]Television Pack[/b], containing the ability to access sites like Hulu, Amazon, and Netflix. If you aren't willing to pay that extra monthly fee, you'll be blocked from entering those sites. What does this have to do with Destiny? Well, let's say that Time Warner wants Bungie and Activision to pay them a monthly fee, or else they'll throttle the speeds of their customers when playing Destiny 2. Not only will this be commonplace, it will be [b]perfectly legal[/b]. Don't believe that it would happen? They [b]already did it to League of Legends and Netflix[/b], and it's not even legal right now. So, if Net Neutrality protections are revoked, expect ISPs to charge you in the same way they do cable for the ability to go to certain sites. If they don't like a site, such as 4chan or, they can slow your access to it, and there's nothing you can do about it. They can tell Bungie to pay up, and if they don't, all their customers will become red bars in Destiny 2. How can you help stop this? Today, July 12, is the big day to protest and make a fuss. Email and call your state representative, let all your friends and family know, rally support. If we don't let Congress know our opinions in as huge a manner as possible, they will allow the Internet to become a place that ISPs can freely and legally exploit. [b]Nobody wants a Crucible match filled with red bars. Help save the internet.[/b] Check out for more info and ways to help. EDIT: Wow, the support for this has been nothing short of incredible! Thank you to everyone who's been voicing your support. However, there are two details I want to talk about. One: This goes much further than red bars in the Crucible. This issue is completely and utterly anti-American. Those who are saying so in this thread are completely right. I used the example of red bars as a way to show this subforum that this affects [b]everyone[/b] in the U.S with an internet connection, and more than a few outside the States as well. Two: This is not a red vs. blue issue. Ajit Pai, the head of the FCC, is not doing this because he is Republican. He is doing it because he's a former Verizon lawyer who is supporting these huge corporations. This is not the time to bicker over who's at fault; now is the time to band together and let Congress know that [b]people care.[/b] EDIT 2: A tiny couple of people believe that we can't do anything, that the internet is doomed already. To them, and to anybody who's reading this, I want you to look at this. We aren't alone. Thank you all for caring.

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  • As of now, we're living in a Second Gilded Age. With the exponential rise of the Internet, the economy has expanded greatly over the course of the twenty-first century so far, and as the economy has expanded so quickly, proper regulations and market balancing are struggling to keep up. Consequently, the big corporations--the ones with the most money and influence--can pretty much do whatever they want within the Internet. Last year was a terrible year for copyright claims on YouTube, as companies and corporations would exploit it to censor and suppress users who spoke out against them or criticized their products/actions. Now, with the lack of Net Neutrality, corporations would be able to do this on a much larger scale by throttling connection to competitors or those that they don't favor. If this continues to go on, big businesses are going to have a virtually oligarchic hold over the Internet and eventually use it as a weapon for politics, creating mass divisions across society that could literally split--[i]literally[/i] split--the Internet into radical-left and radical-right blocks; a massive civil conflict could erupt. The Internet of today could transform into the American railroad, steel, and oil companies of the late nineteenth century if we don't put a stop to all of this.

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