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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
7/6/2017 4:59:34 AM

Our mission is simple!

AIR ELEMENTOR: So... Metalak has finally decided to grace us with his presence! BLAST: Watch your tone, windbag. METAL ELEMENTOR: Our mission is simple; subdue this planet and destroy Max Steel! FIRE ELEMENTOR: Heh, good luck with that... AIR ELEMENTOR: Fool! He's a megalink! He can annex us! METAL ELEMENTOR: Exactly, Elementor! I can absorb you into my being, and I should, considering you failed to subdue this planet years ago! FIRE ELEMENTOR: I apologize for being so hotheaded, [i]sir[/i]. METAL ELEMENTOR: And for being a big failure! AIR ELEMENTOR: And for being a big failure... METAL ELEMENTOR: Unlike Elementor, I will [i]not[/i] fail you. Instead, I will forge you into a powerful fighting force, and once I do, we will destroy Max Steel... FOR THE GLORY OF MAKINO! ULTRALINKS: For the glory of Makino!

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