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Edited by Kahliden: 7/5/2017 9:14:41 PM

So I started playing titanfall 2...

Finished campaign in like two days, short as expected but still kinda fun, hopped into multiplayer and realized just how UTTERLY HORRIBLE I am at this game. Averaging between 0-3 kills per round, with the occasional titan kill. Although, in my defense the last shooter I played was Mass effect andromeda, and that game plays COMPLETELY differently, and before that I was just playing destiny. So yeah, not used to this. Edit: I just wanted to say thanks for all the tips and help given out by everyone who commented, I've been playing it more with everything you said in mind, and I'm improving! I'm gradually getting better and better scores as I keep practicing, so thanks for that!

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  • Edited by aiv6: 7/8/2017 6:21:57 PM
    Learning the movement is very important, as I'm sure most of the other people here have alreay said. People who play like it's an old CoD game are easy targets. Learning how to slide hop/bunny hop and chain wallruns help a lot. You can do this in really any game mode, including custom games. If Titans are killing you a lot, learn to play around them. Either keep moving or stay out of sight as a Pilot. As a new player, you should learn to use at least 1 anti-titan weapon along with a primary gun. For example, I usually run the Alternator and MGL. When you are in a Titan, you should still be careful. Save your smoke for when a pilot is trying to climb on you (rodeo). When this happens, use your smoke and crouch to make it harder for them to get away. Also don't waste your dashes, especially when the enemy has a good Ronin. Staying at range against a Ronin swings the fght in your favor quickly since they either can't hit you or have to use up their dashes and phase. Another way to get better would be to watch the really good youtubers like Gamesager and Frothyomen.

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  • 1. Titanfall (2) is like Call of Duty on a half a dozen energy drinks. Time to kill is very short. So there aren't any real "gunfights". So the game is about movement and positioning so that you can take out your opponent before the realize you're there and can respond. Destiny"s PVP especially gets you into a lot of bad habits, and generally slows down your decision making. It took me almost 2 weeks to get my Titanfall "chops" back because of playing in the Crucible. 2. Every Titanfall map has basically three layers because of the augmented mobility. New players run around on the ground and occasionally jump. Playing it like a conventional shooter. That's the "ground layer". Better players play from elevated windows and rooftops, and know the traffic patterns of the map well enough to feed off of the new player's habits. That's the "middle layer". The best players play almost exclusively in the air and from rooftops. They have mastered the mobility to the point where they can move around the map flanking and ambushing the better players playing from the rooftops. That's the "top layer". 3. Stay in MOTION. Pilots can move so fast...and the augmented mobility allows them the ability to attack you from any where in three dimensions. SO CAMPERS GET WRECKED....and anyone who tries to rely on "map control' and forcing other players through choke points is also going to struggle. Titanfall is a game of movement and flanking. 4. If you're a new player......and new to this kind of have to work UP to taking on other human players. Because they will just wreck you at first. Especially when you have two levels of better players just picking you off from above while you're running around on the ground. Start off playing Attrition, and focus on farming the AI opponents. You'll help your team...and your own confidence while you learn to get around the map with the augmented mobility....and you learn the map layout. Once you start to learn the traffic patterns....and at least master the movement system so you have access to that "middle layer"....then start thinking about taking on other players. 5. Titans are like tanks (in real warfare). They LOOK powerful....but they are actually VERY vulnerable when they are by themselves. But ARE very powerful when working together as a group. Multiple titans working together can make short work of other titans....and can provide mutual support against being rodeoed (a pilot hopping onto your back) , or taking harassment fire from windows and rooftops from anti-titan weapons. Hope this helps.

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      I tried the free weekend a while back and I was not having an ounce of fun. I like my fast paced games. But Tf2 feels like I need to be on cocaine to keep up.

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      • Try to get the flatline also I can't remember the name of the perk but it lets you steal batteries from Titans without being seen oh and save your credits lol

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      • Edited by RübblyRanch: 7/6/2017 12:31:14 AM
        Don't listen to these skrubs You want to learn the movement to get around the map as fast as possible. Putting your use of combat while moving really fast is another step that shouldn't be a priority, but you should practice it whenever the opportunity comes to you. When you do want shoot while in the air, do it a lot on the AI in attrition. As a beginner, use the movement to flank opponents or to find action. Choose a Titan that has the most comfortable playstyle to you. As Northstar, you excel in your poking game. Get in, shoot, get out. Your speed makes you able to get out of situations and tether traps delay the enemies movement. Bait them and just run circles around enemy titans. Tone is a very defensive Titan who "can" lock down areas and dish out reliable damage. Just remember to play mindgames against people who like to block your lock on salvo rockets. And Salvo core follows your crosshair, so shoot it up in the air and let it fall down on enemies as most of the core can be negated with shields. Watch Frothyomen

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      • Never stop moving or your dead in this game.

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      • if you learn how to move well, your gameplay will improve drastically

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      • As lone as you don't camp and make it a life rule to kill all campers in Titanfall 2, your good in my books.

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        • In my opinion Titan Fall 2 is the best PVP FPS in the market currently.

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          • I was the same when I first started Titanfall2. It's an amazing game that I wished hadn't been shadowed by two different game franchise when it released.

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          • I didn't like it. Too fast paced for me

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          • Find what works for you. I personally use Northstar and the Flatline. A lot of Titanfall is finding your strengths and abusing them. I'd recommend just playing, getting the maps memorized, learning the little nuances of the game. If you can traverse the map well you'll be on your way to 'Git Gud'. Go watch some guides as well, they help.

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          • Edited by SP4C3C0WB0Y84: 7/5/2017 8:15:37 PM
            Check out youtubers like Jerdude, Iniquity, and Gamesager for their movement tips. Iniquity is especially good with the grappling hook and you can learn a lot from all of them about what kind of movement is possible in this game. Edit: Also, congratulations on picking up an amazing FPS title. Welcome to the frontier, pilot.

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          • Edited by The Third Man 1: 7/5/2017 6:50:28 PM
            Use the mastiff my friend. Its like the felwinter lie from destiny. If you catch my drift. But seriously. Do attrition like everyone else has suggested. Pick a balanced gun like the R202 or CAR smg. The CAR has a very accurate hip fire. LEARN. TO. WALLRUN. Its a crucial part of the game. If you stop moving you'll die, don't camp and don't stay on the floor. Keep running on the walls and on top of buildings. Pick a titan that'll suit your play style. Monarch, Tone and Ion are good balanced titans.

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          • Edited by Tlaloc___: 7/5/2017 6:59:08 PM
            Reflexes only get you so far. Knowing the map and being able to predict and disorient enemy players will do wonders. Until you figure that out, I recommend the R-201 or the G2 for easy kills. EVA Auto will also work, but it takes some positioning.

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          • The best advice I can give you is to always try to have to high ground. Also your melee is a powerful tool, but executions can leave you open so only do them if you really care about style points.

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          • There's a learning curve for sure. You'll get there, man!

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          • Edited by Papo Pechuga: 7/5/2017 3:44:28 PM
            Use grapple and ar.

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          • I'll tell you how to git Gud in multiplayer: ABUSE THE SHIT OUT OF THE MOVEMENT SYSTEM. This means using the stim ability or grapple almost every time it is charged. Always slide around, wall run more than you touch the ground, and jump a lot. Also, lern2hipfire.

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            • if you see a doomed ronin running at you don't go for the execution. because they most likely have the nuclear self destruct. also don't stop moving. start out with an easy to use weapon like the R201. also experiment with pilot abilities to find which one suits you best. ion and tone are fairly easy to use titans. so they're good for new players. attrition is good mode to start in as well.

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            • Find a gun you like (r201 is great for beginners) stick to attrition playlist. Don't run around rooftops, or run around mindlessly in general (thats like begging to be shot). Dont just focus on enemy pilots, but kill any AI you come across along with helping your team mates take down enemy titans. Try the titan tone out (make sure you have the shield equipped for him) he is a really good starter titan. He is easy to use, does good damage.

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              • Plays like crap

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                • It's all about mobility (not necessarily in the air). Stop moving and you will stop breathing.

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                • Titanfall is definitely one of those games where if you're new or you haven't played it in a while, you'll suck for a while until you find your rhythm

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                • I haven't played tf2 in awhile. I like the game but there's a learning curve. I prefer being a titan.

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