So every time I read anything about Microsoft or the new XboX, I always see the same comment. And it's always shoved out there with the confidence that it trumps every other possible argument that might be in favor of XboX.
"Xbox has no games."
Now why has this been the go-to argument against Xbox recently? Does no one realize that there is a difference between games and [i]exclusives[/i]?
Sure, PS has a few good exclusives (I say a few because while there are some fantastic ones, a lot of them are pretty disappointing), but Xbox has all of the same non-exclusives that PS does, and now those games are going to get a nice graphics boost on the new console.
The Xbox library is still huge, and last time I checked, tons of devs were already announcing the updates their games are going to get.
All this is to simply say: Hey, think about what you're saying before you post.
Xbox has halo and dark souls which are the only 2 franchises I've ever been invested in. I also played bloodborne but the lack of builds and linear design made me glad I didn't buy my own PS4 for it