I'm just interested in the numbers here really as I'm genuinely surprised by how salty the forums are over what, for me and most people in my clan, is a complete non-issue.
Going from a looter shooter to not being a looter shooter? Bad idea.... It'll be just another shooter, but with crap 4v4 only pvp and 30 fps cap on console lol Chasing the loot was the main reason I kept playing for so long....
Yes and No. True is that no one can complain that he never got a god roll weapon and all the specific guns in the game are all the same and like bungie already posted the nerfs and buffs take effect only on the specific gun and dont change the whole gun archetype. But in my eyes we all loose the hype for the grind wich is i think really important in this game.We all were playing to get a ,,GOD ROLL" weapon or a T12 GEAR.Even after 3 year i grind for a god roll LUNA.In D2?I get a gun,if it is good i play it if not i put it in the vault and thats all. I know its sometimes frustrating and it drains our mind but this was a point in the game that was keeping us to play it in hope to get something better.And now we are loosing this so i hope that we dont discover all the stuff after 2 months and after this time there will be nothing to play for.
I would rather have this. No more blanket nerfs.
No. An entire archetype shouldn't be nerfed because of one gun. This is one of the major elements that ruined D1.
Everybody I know thinks it's a good thing, and that includes me.
Well if they remove the ability to up the damage on guns then the system doesn't really change. The perks are always the same but the weapon damage would change. You are not god rolling for perks but for weapon damage.
"Deal breaker" is a strong term. Make a poll asking if people like it, and you'll get drastically different results.
Here's what'll happen You'll get a weapon to drop like a million times it has meh rolls and that'll never change One person find a weapon it has better rolls than anything else and BOOM Good bye weapon diversity
It's not a deal breaker but if x weapon comes with the same perk rolls and you get like 50 them where is the fun in that. Or you find that one gun you think if I had this with z perk it would be a beast. It just removes the fun excitement of getting x weapon to see what rolls it has. And as much as people gave out about the grind it's what they all loved whether they new it or not. Because that's all this game has been until 7/8 month's ago was a grind fest and we are still here. Just think all the hc pr sc bounties done the last few weeks with people looking for God rolled whatever. Or all the poe coe archons forge done for the exact same reason. Whether knowingly or not bungie just reduced the playing time of players massively.
I'll still buy it, I'll still like it, and I'll still play it. [i]However[/i], I won't like it [i]as much[/i], nor will I play it [i]as much[/i] as I would have otherwise.
Wait! there should only be one gun in destiny period. That way everyone has the gun. Its name will be gun. There will be no balancing issues either!! Everyone will have an absolute blast, guardians runnin around with there Gun shooting each other and stuff. Then once you have the Gun nothing else drops for you ever so you can put more focus into you know... that gun. It will be the funnest mmo/fps hybrid ever.
Edited by SnakePayne86: 7/1/2017 3:44:04 PMIt doesn't sound good because the only reason I play crucible is for a chance at a god rolled weapon. I mean why pvp now? Why do all those stupid bounties once you get every weapon already?
so in about 1-2 hours your going to just about see all the guns in the game. If there is no loot what is there? a pretty sub standard shooter with a bad story. Battlefornt 2, borderland 3 and anthem are up and coming. Frankly Destiny needs to up its game. Maybe they think the are too big to fail