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6/20/2017 9:53:40 PM

#destinytruthcast Episode 53: O Grimoire, Where Art Thou?

[quote]Downloadable Audio links: [b]SoundCloud[/b] [b]iTunes[/b][/quote] Welcome to episode 53 of the #destinytruthcast where you the community join us in talking all things Bungie and Destiny. Today RedWingGirl and I welcome community guests zAnonymous and from the destiny lorecast, AnonPig Today's topics include: -Guest showcases -Thoughts on Luke Smith interviews -Guided Games backlash for Normal mode only -PvP PvE Separation/Integration -D2's new weapon system -Ranked Playlists -Destiny 2's perceived PvP focus -Flash Points -The Stranger -The Darkness -The removal of Grimoire and the effect in-game and on lore content creators -Favorite moments -Poptarts Once again thank you to zAnonymous and AnonPig for joining us today and we thank you for listening

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  • On the seperation topic, its hard to tell what is the right choice. What i do know is that the weapons need to behave differently for pve as for pvp. So if Bungie really wants balance in the crucible, this could end up the same way D1 ended up. Its more a question of how far Bungie wants to go with this balancing the game. My outlook on the new weapon slots, if you compare this to D1 , i think the encounters with the harder enemies will last a lot longer. You cant have a sniper riffle and a rocketlauncher equiped at the same time anymore, so you just keep switching all of the time. And probable keep losing ammo due to it( at least thats what i think will happen) Endgame content could get into a slugfest and "i am out of ammo" thing. As you have said D2 will be a different game, so i will wait and see. For the most part its up to Bungie if it will be a better game then the first one. D1 started out much better then how it is now, and there is only Bungie to blame for that. Cheers.

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    2 Replies
    • Another great podcast everyone! So about the whole notion of "perceived" PvP focus... Bungie has been putting PvP first SINCE THE BEGINNING. Every weapon change going all the way back to 1.1.1 has been about "balancing" (lol) the PvP. Any efforts to alleviate the effect of nerfs on PvE were half-assed on their best day. So until this behavior changes, everything Bungie does is PvP-focused. That is not a "perception." You guys mentioned during the show that at the DRE they kept trying to get people to play the PvP but everyone was engrossed in the PvE. This is not an indication they're more PvE focused now. It's actually the opposite. It is simply more evidence that Bungie is PvP focused while more of the audience is in it for PvE. This disconnection has been a huge problem for Destiny since day one.

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      9 Replies
      • Edited by gallp13: 6/22/2017 9:29:50 AM
        Enjoyable over all mostly enjoy hearing the voices behind the names. Agree with some points, disagree with others. Good to see the podcast is still going. Would love to hear a facilitated panel discussion between the current forum protagonists. They seem to be slowly moving toward playing the ball and not the player. A facilitated protagonists panel discussion may assist all parties progress on the journey to open minded, facts based constructive dialogue together. Love Bungie or hate 'em, it seems all forum folk share a common goal being a bigger and better Destiny. Thank you

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      • I love pop tarts! Cherry in particular. I think that someone should write Destiny books. I've read a lot of the grimoire but honestly I have a hard time making the connections between different cards because I really don't have the time to try. I need to look up Anon's podcast, it sounds interesting. I would read the books though. I've read 15 or so of the Halo books and they are amazing. I'd be super pumped if someone wrote a Destiny series based off the grimoire. It'd also be cool if they'd write series about the different aliens like they did with the Covenant and Forerunners. Destiny is really cool universe that I think they could do a lot more with than just games.

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        6 Replies
        • Okay, to the fellow who said Mida was OP in PvE - nonsense. Just had to get that off my chest.

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          15 Replies
          • Isnt everyone mad at you?

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            62 Replies
            • On the real, it was a good one. However... what would you do if I criticized it in any way or had different factual opinions or something to debate on? I feel like most of the time, if we do not bow down to it and say it's awesome and great like a fan boy band wagon (er) would, we will get muted, reported, ignored, or called haters and trolls. That hurts. The fact you're not open to both negative and positive feedback is sad. I've stated before, I will not falsely rate a DTC episode, I cannot give a good rating that is in itself, would be fake.

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              15 Replies
              • Edited by hardazzdiamond: 6/21/2017 1:34:10 PM
                Well i actually tried to listen to this but can only take hearing how stupid i am for my thoughts on the changes to loadout and most of my gripes over d2 for so long before im done. Your cheer squad does it again so you got my down vote both here and on youtube

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                30 Replies
                • And for the pvp focus, why else would they change the weapon slots? In D1 almost every nerf was about the pvp side of things and now they are gonna change that? Pve is an important part of the game , but not as important as the pvp aspect. Look at the streamers most of them stream........... Yep pvp. They have most to gain with pvp, the streamers and Bungie alike. I wish it wasnt but it is pretty much a fact. If they do go on something like e sports were really gonna be in for it, hope not but you never know with Bungie. There streamlining the game pretty bad for it. And i am really no expert , but they do give you that feeling.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Bump for a later listen. Good job on ignoring the haters and those who misunderstand you, and some of the trolls. You rock Sols.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Rebump keep up the good work!

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                    • Good talk I actually listened to the entire episode despite not getting my private message that it's time for another episode. I'm hurt Sols. Some great points especially regarding the new guided game system and where it can go. Some elements I never considered there. However, I am constantly mystified by your perplexity over community criticism. Yes you have played the beta, yes you experienced D2 but 2 primaries any way you slice it is still, 2 primaries and people just may not like that idea. But you are right in that many are basing there assumptions on D1. What else is there to go on but past performance? I would love them to keep the game closely guarded for the beta, however there is a trust issue and getting to kick the tires of a little more than what we have seen might help build confidence, at least it would help me. This is probably why the reactions are perplexing. None of us have Coz, Deej, Pete, Luke on speed dial you realize that?(yes I am being facetious lol) And they so badly misrepresented themselves through the year one beta that a hefty amount of skepticism will remain until they prove themselves. Has it gotten better absolutely in some respects but at the same time many people feel there are elements of D1 that are worse. Tuning pve vs pvp will be very interesting and I think many are afraid Bungie will continue to mess things up, once bitten twice shy as the say.

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                      6 Replies
                      • Edited by Sage: 6/21/2017 11:10:29 PM
                        TryN2KEEpUp pretty much summed up my thoughts: [quote]Good talk I actually listened to the entire episode despite not getting my private message that it's time for another episode. I'm hurt Sols. Some great points especially regarding the new guided game system and where it can go. Some elements I never considered there. However, I am constantly mystified by your perplexity over community criticism. Yes you have played the beta, yes you experienced D2 but 2 primaries any way you slice it is still, 2 primaries and people just may not like that idea. But you are right in that many are basing there assumptions on D1. What else is there to go on but past performance? I would love them to keep the game closely guarded for the beta, however there is a trust issue and getting to kick the tires of a little more than what we have seen might help build confidence, at least it would help me. This is probably why the reactions are perplexing. None of us have Coz, Deej, Pete, Luke on speed dial you realize that?(yes I am being facetious lol) And they so badly misrepresented themselves through the year one beta that a hefty amount of skepticism will remain until they prove themselves. Has it gotten better absolutely in some respects but at the same time many people feel there are elements of D1 that are worse. Tuning pve vs pvp will be very interesting and I think many are afraid Bungie will continue to mess things up, once bitten twice shy as the say.[/quote]

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                      • Haven't disliked this thread and it's at 0 😂... I'll save mine for later.

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                        3 Replies
                        • I'm skating on thin ice...

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                          3 Replies
                          • Not going to lie, I tried listening to the podcast for the first time since the first cast. You got to living things up Sols. You and your band are all monotone. I got through the introductions and start of the whatever came after the introductions.

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                            5 Replies
                            • zAnon! Preach brother preach. It was great to finally see you on there man.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Bump

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                              • Bump!

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                              • Bump

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                              • Bumpitty

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                              • ...

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                                1 Reply
                                • Clans can personalize their pages that show in the directory, right? As in putting a little saying on the page for people to see when they are deciding which clan is "for them"? We see as much in the initial Destiny 2 reveal. So, what is stopping clans from putting something on their page in regards to "looking to run hard mode" and then when the players join the clan fireteam the fireteam leader just selects hard mode before launching the raid?

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                                  4 Replies
                                  • Great show, guys. -blam!- the trolls. Keep fighting the good fight. 👊🏼

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                                    34 Replies
                                    • Two of them? Well i guess bump since this episode was informative

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                                    • Thanks Truth cast Great listen .

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