My friend and I used to try and 2-man Crota's raid back before the update and had a complete blast. Never successfully done it, and now that we're getting Destiny-bored, we've decided to try again.
BUT, with the new changes, is it even still possible? I've seen crazy talented guardians like Esoterickk do it solo; is it still possible with two?
And if it is, please send tips or tricks our way! We're going to try it anyway because it's hilarious and fun, but it would be nice to know any tricks beforehand!
(We'll be streaming our attempts over on Twitch tomorrow morning Eastern Time if you want to watch us fail and laugh and fail again: )
As far as I know, the bridge encounter has been soloed, and I think that was the only think you NEEDED all the players for. The rest is pretty much the same.