Welcome To Our Post. This Is Where You Will Find Great Players To Help You Get To The Promise Land Known As 'THE LIGHTHOUSE'.
[b]Note:[/b] A Good Fireteam For This Event Is One That Consists Of Good Teamwork And Communication.
If You Are Seeking A Good Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris Then Post Your Information Below.
-Gamertag: DynastyXSnipeZz
-Class And Subclass: Hunter | Bladedancer
-Light Level: 400
-Weapons: (Not Entirely Important)
-Skills: Great Sniper/ Communicator
Please Like This Post So It Will Be Easier To Find In The Future, And Hopefully It Will Help Make It Easier For Everyone To Find A Fireteam For Trials Of Osiris.
(The Star= Like Button)
Clan Members Will Always Be Chosen First For Trials Of Osiris To Get A Flawless.
[b]Youtube Channel:[/b] Youtube.com/c/dynasty2106
[b]Twitch Channel:[/b] https://m.twitch.tv/dynastyxsnipezz?sr=a
All The Best And Good Luck in Trials!
Trying to go flawless don't have time for bs ! Basic communication skills is a must . This week is the burning shrine. Will be checking trial reports ! Message asap on Xbox first come first serve let's get these nine wins 🙏🏼👊🏻
Need one more that has at least a 1.3+ KD and 1700+ ELO. Will check stats. GT same as above.
We need 1 for a flawless run good stats please and make call outs and join our convo have some fun.
Been flawless on both accounts, I'm a 1.35 warlock with 58x just have similar stats ---mxgaburst
Need one 1.1+kd msg for imv
Need 1 for trials im 1.4 kd message me for invite gt is same as above
Need 1. Doing an account recovery 1700+ 1.5 K/D+ Message on Xbox for invite GT: Rageouss
Need two that can hold their own. Message me for invite. Gt same as above
2 2.0s need 1 to run stacked
Looking for a flawless run inv gt can hold my own
Looking for trials virgins, message MCGIVOR for invite
Looking for a flawless run inv gt can hold my own
Looking for 1 more that has never been flawless My kd 2.1 Win 81% GT-Blaizinq
Need one for Trials!! 1.3 KD or higher!! Message GT^^^
Need 1 for run. Message dlow houdini for invite
2 1.5kds LF 1 with similar or higher Message Sernova for inv
Edited by Ineverhavefun: 6/19/2017 10:40:26 PMLighthouse
Need 1 1.2+KD Gt the same
Looking for one person over 1.0 kd for trials. I'm at 1.3 and my buddy is a 1.0.. Just looking to have some fun and possibly go far. Message me your GT. Message xstanx
2 2.0s need 1 to run stacked
Looking for one person over 1.0 kd for trials. I'm a 1.3 and my buddy is a 1.0.. Just looking to have some fun and possibly go far. Message me your GT. Message xstanx
I need a couple of generous guardians to take me to the light house. I'm decent but I just started playing trials. I have good weapons and I listen well. Thank you.
Need 1 any kd
I need a couple of generous guardians to take me to the light house. I'm decent but I just started playing trials. I have good weapons and I listen well. Thank you.
1.8 and 1.3 need 1 Pm bunxi
Need 1 1.2+KD Gt the same