[b] [/b]
Meh, it'll do [spoiler][i]fapfapfapfapfap[/i][/spoiler]
If you look up chick-fil-a in the Tustin Marketplace and look at the website, the manager looks exactly like Mr. Cage.
I always thought ET looked like an inverted scrotum that got stretched out
"It's simple, we steal the government"
Definitely my proudest fap of all time
I'm... strangely aroused.
*masturbating intensifies
Oh god.
Despite all his rage...
Haha bump...I love these posts...
That looks more like a picture of E.T. but if E. T. was Nicolas Cage.
The worlds sexiest man 2017
Most recent picture of Nicolas Cage before the most recent missile test in North Korea.