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6/13/2017 11:12:43 PM

Destiny 2 supporting old outdated tech now?

So let me get this straight. Bungie Dumped the Xbox and PS3 with Destiny Rise of Iron, because they were holding them back from being able to give the game that they and Gamers alike wanted (understandable.. old tech).... So Bungie is preparing to release Destiny 2 for PC, Xbox One (S and X included), and the PS4 and pro. They allow PC Gamers to have full 4K at 60FPS... Great.. But then, just because Sony has decided not to do anything to improve the PS4 Pro to support 4K at 60FPS, they punish those who are getting an Xbox One X by capping them at 30FPS? Why are you trying so hard to keep old tech relevant? If a hardware manufacturer, who knew their hardware could not meet the standards to do 60FPS, chooses not to do anything to meet those requirements, others should not be punished... If you quit supporting 2 consoles because they did not meet the standards of your game, why choose to support one now? Am I wrong on this?

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  • How about we all say fück 4k and just stick to 1080p 60fps?

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    • This argument keeps getting regurgitated, but it really has nothing to do with Sony or PS4 PRO. It is because the original Xbone can not support 60fps. XboneX uses the same player pool as the old Xbone for matchmaking.

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    • [b]STOP COMPARING CONSOLES TO PC![/b] D2 will be ported across all consoles, equally. Why? Because it will provide a fair and balanced experience for all console users. It's simple. D2 on PC [b]will not[/b] be a port of the console version. You want uncapped frame rates and more decisive patch updates? Then switch to a competitive gaming platform and stop acting like consoles are anything more than consumer entertainment.

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    • D1 supported PS3 and 360 at first then dropped them due to technical restrictions. I have a feeling D2 will support PS4 and Xbone at first but will eventually drop those and only support PS4 Pro and Xbone S & X. Rinse and repeat this trend for all Destiny games in the future.

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    • [quote]Am I wrong on this?[/quote]Yes. Extremely.

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    • The main thing that is holding back a move to 60 FPS is the cpu speed. All the in-game physics (movement of all objects in your zone) are calculated on your console and then checked against a master server. To run at 60 FPS instead of 30 FPS all these calculations have to happen at twice the speed so they are calculated for every frame. The PS Pro and Xbone x are not actually that much different in cpu power (and not too big a step up from the xbone and OS 4) so I doubt the xbone x would be capable of running 60 FPS if the Pro can't do it

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    • This crap again ? The x is not much better than the pro... Go read digital foundry, ms got busted running the demos on pc's. In any event both the pro and x have a bottleneck jaguar CPU with apu setup. The x like the pro can not run a CPU heavy game at 1080/60.

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    • According to tech blog. Luke mentioned at the reveal that PS Pro would not handle 60fps due to CPU limitations. Xbox one is no better and with tech information from Microsoft the Scorpio is not any better the the PS Pro on CPU computing power. So it is not only PS but Microsoft as well that is holding the game back. If you want to play at unlimited FPS go to a PC.

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    • Edited by MikeRoEconomist: 6/14/2017 6:54:26 PM
      There is a simple answer to your question, and it is the same reason most 3rd party developers/publishers will make a game for multiple consoles: access to all install bases for more customers. Its better for them and its better for us, especially anyone who can only afford one console.

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    • You are wrong on this. They were never going to make D2 60 fps on any console if it couldn't do it on all of them, which it can't. If they had done 60 on just the OneX and Pro, it would have further divided the player base for the same reason we can't play on our console with PC players. The difference in framerate will give an advantage to those with a higher one. Not a big advantage, but definitely an advantage, and people know that and that's why you never really see that disparity too often. Therefore the hype/thought that One X or Pro would run at 60 ended when it was announced that the other consoles wouldn't and a lot of people didn't really get that.

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    • Edited by x_8-BitZombie_x: 6/14/2017 2:37:49 AM
      This decision has nothing to do with PS4 Pro... Bungie has said in the past that they wouldn't support mid-generation console upgrades since it gives players who are playing on the same service an advantage. How would it be fair for someone playing on a day 1 Xbox One running at 30fps at 1080p to get thrown in a match with someone playing 60fps at 4K on the Xbox One X? This is why mid-generation updates are a bs concept; Microsoft and Sony don't want to split to their user base so the end result is that multiplayer games will be kept on the low end of the spectrum to insure balance.

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      • Edited by BFGesus: 6/14/2017 4:32:52 AM
        Actually, playing a game at a higher resolution will reduce your frames, so it wouldn't be unfair. No way in hell the bone x or pro could do real 4k with constant 60 fps on D2. I've never had any frame hiccups in pvp on xbone. If anything, a player that thinks he or she is losing because the other person has a better frame rate would be more motivated to get a pro or bone x. How do you think it is for pc players? Not everyone has a -blam!-in' gtx 1080 ti. One more thing, there will be multiplayer games that have bone x support. When that happens, what's bungie's excuse then? Laziness? Doesn't take a lot of effort to move a slider and send it out as an update.

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      • Neither consoles can run Destiny at 4k/60 frames.

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      • Last generation consoles are over ten years old. Get your head out of your ass.

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      • Edited by SmashvilleViking: 6/14/2017 2:28:33 AM
        Well, that .2 GHz difference in the One X CPU and the PS4 Pro wouldn't make a difference as far as the game running at 60fps. They said the CPU isn't strong enough for 60fps on Pro. One X's CPU is only .2 GHz stronger. They both run a Jaguar CPU

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        • I believe that PS3 and Xbox 360 only accounted for about 10-15% of the player population. PS4 and Xbox are still widely used by the majority of players so why cut out the main source of income?

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        • Come on man you KNOW Sony and MS has said all the games gotta play on both systems (vr excluded)... You can't pin THIS on bungie...

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          • Frame rate over graphics is a choice pc players make every time they play the games. Bungle made the graphics priority over frame rate on ps4 bc that's how they wanted it to be played. Tbh I like the 30fps version.

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