I just finished playing the Pre-Sequel (TVHM) and was thinking of how 3 is going to work. I personally would love to be able to play as either of the Sirens again. I've always focused on using elements in the Borderlands games.
The only playable character I can stand in any Borderlands game is Gaige, so.. If they can make someone who's not annoying in personality, and has a fun playstyle, then new characters I guess. Without 300 Stacks of Anarchy at all times, though, I'm not sure I'll be able to get into it..
I want a fully customizable Vault Hunter A story that happens before The Prequel, B1 and B2 (think of it as a golden age where vault hunters were great in numbers) Multiplayer (not coop 4) open world [b]GUNS[/b] [b]MOAR GUNS[/b]
As much as i love the BL games and my past characters. I don't wanna play as any past playable character or any character involved with the story (so no tiny tina).
All of the above?
Do what 2 did. Give us new characters to play as and make previous characters npcs