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Edited by Zero the Remnant: 6/8/2017 2:57:56 AM

Ahh! It's Armsday!!! 6/7/17 "Banshee will never get laid with those rolls."

Hello everyone. It’s a new week & a new Armsday. Sadly I have the same Rolls I had last week. My Router died on me & seems to love to crash everytime I log into Destiny. So I’m finding it quite difficult to get to The Tower at the moment. I am planning on purchasing a Netgear Nighthawk X4s next week so my forced online gaming intervention will come to an end. I digress, does the first Armsday of June have anything good? Let’s find out! _____ [b][u]Disclaimers:[/u][/b] All recommendations no matter how good or bad are still pure opinion. My recommendations are 100% for PVE & strive for Static Performance vs Situational Performance. [b][u]God Rolls[/u][/b] There are 2 types of God Rolls. Community = Popular Opinion/Suggestion. Personal = A roll that perfectly fits/enhances [u]YOUR[/u] individual playstyle. [b][u]PVP[/u][/b] I will [b][u]NOT[/u][/b] be making PVP recommendations. Haunter will be covering PVP recommendations in the comments below. _____ [b][u]Legend:[/u][/b] HC = Handcannon, SR = Scout Rifle, AR = Auto Rifle, PR = Pulse Rifle SPR = Sniper Rifle, FR = Fusion Rifle, RL = Rocket Launcher HCR = High Caliber Round, APR = Armor Piercing Rounds, EXR = Explosive Rounds AoO = Army of One, EotS = Eye of the Storm, LitC = Luck in the Chamber, S&P = Spray & Play SPS = Single Point Sling, HLS = H&-Laid Stock, C&P = Close &/or Personal, SDC = Smart Drift Control [b][u]Omolon[/u][/b] [b][i][u]Uffern HC4[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: Fastdraw/Steadyhand/Truesight Third Eye Snapshot/Reinforced Barrel Rescue Mag/Exhumed Roll 2: Fastdraw/Quickdraw/Sureshot Third Eye Lightweight/Injection Mold Triple Tap/EotS Roll 3: Fastdraw/Steadyhand/Sureshot Third Eye Lightweight/Reinforced Barrel Rescue Mag/EotS Recommendation: Roll 2 or Roll 3 Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save So both Roll 2 & 3 have uses. Roll 2 can be decent for dps on Ultra & above enemies. But it lacks a barrel so you’ll be in that enemies personal bubble. Which is bad for your Guardian’s health. Roll 3 has excellent utility. Third Eye for a permanent radar, Reinforced for range, Rescue Mag for a chance at a free magazine of ammo in dangerous situations or EotS for those who thrive in dangerous situations. [b][i][u]Thesan FR4[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: Void Spark/Torch Replenish Accelerated Coils/Injection Mold Rangefinder/EotS Roll 2: Solar Candle/Torch Hot Swap SPS/HLS Life Support/EotS Roll 3: Arc Spark/Torch Hot Swap Lightweight/Braced Frame Unflinching/EotS Recommendation: Roll 2 or Roll 3 Redeem/Save/Reorder: Redeem So Roll 2 & 3 basically are almost perfect God Rolls. Only the final column’s are subpar. Both bring Hot Swap which will tighten up your bullet spread if you fire while under its effect. Roll 2 maximize’s the stability via HLS, Roll 3 does so via Brace Frame. Roll 2 offer a 25% chance per kill to regen some HP via Life Support, Roll 3 offers bonus accuracy while at low health via EotS. Honestly, this comes down to what Element FR you want. Solar or Arc. [b][u]Häkke[/u][/b] [b][i][u]Judith-D[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: Truesight/Steadyhand Last Resort Who’s Next Hand Loaded/APR/Reinforced Barrel Roll 2: Truesight/Steadyhand Triple Tap S&P Hand Loaded/APR/Smallbore Roll 3: Fastdraw/Sureshot Hot Swap Rangefinder Snapshot/HCR/Smallbore Recommendation: None Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save So, Hot Swap is wasted on a Primary imo. So roll 3 is a no-no. Last Resort is an immediate disqualification. Roll 1 is a no-no Roll 2 has promise. But it’s a roll not even a Dreg would take. Wait till next week. [b][i][u]Arminius-D[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: SC Holo/LC Ranged Last Resort S&P HCR/Speed Reload/Rifled Barrel Roll 2: GB Iron/LD Watchdog Relentless Tracker/Focused Fire HCR/Fitted Stock/Rifled Barrel Roll 3: SC Holo/SD Thermal Partial Refund Rangefinder Snapshot/Fitted Stock/Rifled Barrel Recommendation: Pick any, Dismantle it, smack Banshee with the weapon parts, & order a Zarinaea-D. Redeem/Save/Reorder: See Above I keep giving this gun a chance & it burns me EVERYTIME. The Zarinaea-D that is up for order hits hard for an AR, & it’s sturdy, it’s like a Year 2 & 3 Shadow Price. [b][i][u]Jingukogo-D[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: Solar SDC/Field Choke Danger Close Battle Runner Flared Magwell/Perfect Balance/Rifled Barrel Roll 2: Arc Soft Ballistics/Accurized Ballistics Final Round Feeding Frenzy Flared Magwell/Hand Loaded/Rifled Barrel Roll 3: SDC/Accurized Ballistics Danger Close Feeding Frenzy Flared Magwell/Fitted Stock/Rifled Barrel Recommendation: Roll 2 Redeem/Save/Reorder: Redeem What makes Roll 2 shine is the reload combo’d with Final Round. Final Round + Feeding Frenzy + Flared Magwell will allow you to pump Final Rounds into your enemies as if it was just your regular clip. Fire, nigh instant reload for 1 bullet, fire, repeat. Enjoy the death you’re dealing. [b][u]Suros[/u][/b] [b][i][u]PDX-45[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: SLO-19/SPO-28/SRO-41 Fitted Stock/Casket Mag S&P Lightweight/Injection Mold Roll 2: SLO-19/SPO-28/SRO-41 Hammer Forged/Oiled Frame Zen Moment Speed Reload/Reinforced Barrel Roll 3: SLO-19/SPO-28/SRO-41 HCR/Casket Mag Icarus Speed Reload/Rifled Barrel Recommendation: None Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save While Roll 1 has some promise. This mythical order will better serve you as a God Roll. Wait till next week.f [b][i][u]JLB-47[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: Solar Aggressive Launch/Linear Compensator/Hard Launch Heavy Payload/Flared Magwell Feeding Frenzy Javelin/Quickdraw Roll 2: Solar Aggressive Launch/Soft Launch/Hard Launch SPS/Speed Reload S&P Javelin/Snapshot Roll 3: Void Confined Launch/Linear Compensator/Countermass SPS/Flared Magwell Surplus Perfect Balance/Quickdraw Recommendation: Roll 1 Redeem/Save/Reorder: Reorder Roll 1 will require you to dumbfire the weapon. But with nearly maxed Blast & Velocity even if it isn’t a direct hit…something is going to be die. Solar Rocket Launchers of this magnitude of power are few & far between. This weapon is up for reorder. So pick up Roll 1 & have some fun. Then reorder this beast of a RL. [b][i][u]Next Week’s Orders[/u][/i][/b] (LC = Learning Curve) [u]Zarinaea-D[/u]: Order LC: Novice [u]Gaheris-D[/u]: Order LC: Intermediate [u]Lyudmila-D[/u]: 50/50 LC: Intermediate [u]Cocytus SR4[/u]: Order LC: Intermediate [u]JLB-47[/u]: Order LC: Novice That’s all I got this week. As always, feel free to share any rolls you have that I have not listed. No promises but I will try to post a recommendation if you list all 3 rolls, as will Haunter. My RL is still hectic so when I do get on the forums it’s normally at work. So, I don’t always have time to review/evaluate a roll before making a recommendation. I apologize for how late I posted this. RL kick me in the windershins today. No ads this week. I’m too sleepy. Going back to sleep now… Be Safe! Guns Up Guardian!

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  • Edited by Haunter: 6/8/2017 8:19:08 PM
    (Credit to boostedgear2791 for the rolls) [quote][b][i]Suros PDX-45[/i][/b] Roll 1: Spray and play SLO 19, SPO 28, SRO 41 Fitted stock, casket mag Lightweight, injection mold Roll 2: Zen moment SLO 19, SPO 28, SRO 41 Hammer forged, oiled frame Speed reload, reinforced barrel Roll 3: Icarus SLO 19, SPO 28, SRO 41 High cal rounds, casket mag Speed reload, rifled barrel[/quote] Recommendation: I'd pass, but for hose who can't wait roll 3 isn't bad, rifled plus high cal and icarus for slight mid air accuracy. [quote][i][b]Hakke Tamar-D[/b][/i] Roll 1: Private eye, spray and play ATB long range, ATD raptor Explosive rounds, quickdraw, appended mag Roll 2: Rodeo, partial refund ATB long range, ATD raptor Explosive rounds, armor piercing rounds, braced frame Roll 3: Outlaw, performance bonus ATA scout, ATD raptor Perfect balance, armor piercing rounds, braced frame[/quote] Recommendation: None. [quote][b][i]Suros Dis-47[/i][/b] Roll 1: Rangefinder SLO 19, SPO 26, SRO 37 Perfect balance, oiled frame Single point sling, hand laid stock Roll 2: Rodeo SLO 12, SPO 26, SRO 37 Fitted stock, oiled frame Snapshot, smallbore Roll 3: Outlaw SLO 19, SPO 26, SPO 57 Hammer forged, casket mag Snapshot, hand laid stock[/quote] Recommendation: Roll 1 isn't bad, max stability and rangefinder, nothing flashy like reload speed perks or firefly, just a stable rifle. [quote][b][i]Omolon Cocytus SR4[/i][/b] Roll 1: Icarus Candle IS2, flash HS4, signal MS5 Quickdraw, casket mag Zen moment, underdog Roll 2: Triple tap Spark IS6, torch HS2, signal MS5 Single point sling, hand laid stock Zen moment, danger close Roll 3: Replenish Candle IS2, flash HS4, impulse MS2 Quickdraw, casket mag Army of one, surrounded[/quote] Recommendation: None, we can have much better rolls. Although roll 2 could be decent for pve. [quote][b][i]Hakke Arminius-D[/i][/b] Roll 1: Last resort, spray and play SC holo, LC ranged High cal rounds, speed reload, rifled barrel Roll 2: Relentless tracker, focused fire GB iron, LD watchdog High cal rounds, fitted stock, rifled barrel Roll 3: Partial refund, rangefinder SC holo, SD thermal Snapshot, fitted stock, rifled barrel[/quote] Recommendation: None, counterbalance and braced frame are musts. [quote][b][i][u]Uffern HC4[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: Fastdraw/Steadyhand/Truesight Third Eye Snapshot/Reinforced Barrel Rescue Mag/Exhumed Roll 2: Fastdraw/Quickdraw/Sureshot Third Eye Lightweight/Injection Mold Triple Tap/EotS Roll 3: Fastdraw/Steadyhand/Sureshot Third Eye Lightweight/Reinforced Barrel Rescue Mag/EotS[/quote] Recommendation: No rifled = bust. [quote][b][i][u]Thesan FR4[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: Void Spark/Torch Replenish Accelerated Coils/Injection Mold Rangefinder/EotS Roll 2: Solar Candle/Torch Hot Swap SPS/HLS Life Support/EotS Roll 3: Arc Spark/Torch Hot Swap Lightweight/Braced Frame Unflinching/EotS[/quote] Recommendation: Roll 3 has braced and hot swap, plus eye of the storm which isn't bad on a fusion tbh as you'll be taking some fire while it charges up, I generally recommend grabbing this fusion when 2/3 solid perks are up, waiting on braced+hot swap+rangefinder can take actually forever. [quote][b][i][u]Judith-D[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: Truesight/Steadyhand Last Resort Who’s Next Hand Loaded/APR/Reinforced Barrel Roll 2: Truesight/Steadyhand Triple Tap S&P Hand Loaded/APR/Smallbore Roll 3: Fastdraw/Sureshot Hot Swap Rangefinder Snapshot/HCR/Smallbore[/quote] Recommendation: None, needs reinforced and some solid perks to make redeeming it worthwhile. [quote][b][i][u]Jingukogo-D[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: Solar SDC/Field Choke Danger Close Battle Runner Flared Magwell/Perfect Balance/Rifled Barrel Roll 2: Arc Soft Ballistics/Accurized Ballistics Final Round Feeding Frenzy Flared Magwell/Hand Loaded/Rifled Barrel Roll 3: SDC/Accurized Ballistics Danger Close Feeding Frenzy Flared Magwell/Fitted Stock/Rifled Barrel[/quote] Recommendation: Roll 2, rifled plus final round and feeding frenzy is beneficial for those that grab special crates. This shotgun will [i]not[/i] compete with matador or any of those types though. [quote][b][i][u]JLB-47[/u][/i][/b] Roll 1: Solar Aggressive Launch/Linear Compensator/Hard Launch Heavy Payload/Flared Magwell Feeding Frenzy Javelin/Quickdraw Roll 2: Solar Aggressive Launch/Soft Launch/Hard Launch SPS/Speed Reload S&P Javelin/Snapshot Roll 3: Void Confined Launch/Linear Compensator/Countermass SPS/Flared Magwell Surplus Perfect Balance/Quickdraw[/quote] Recommendation: None. Grenades. And. Horseshoes. [quote][b]PDX-41[/b] (Credit to kroppin) Roll 1: SLO-19/SPO-26/SPO-57 HCR/Casket Mag Rangefinder Lightweight/Rifled Barrel Roll 2: SLO-19/SPO-28/SPO-57 Perfect Balance/Oiled Frame Unflinching Lightweight/Smallbore Roll 3: SLO-19/SPO-28/SRO-41 Hammer Forged/Casket Mag Counterbalance Lightweight/HLS[/quote] Tbh all 3 rolls have stuff going Roll 1 is great for those who can manage the recoil at base - rifled+rangefinder and high cal rounds to top it off. Roll 2 has unflinching to combat high cal and flinch in general, plus perfect balance and smallbore for hefty stability buffs. Roll 3 has hammer forged which boosts accuracy and removes the hand laid penalty, hand laid for extra stability and counterbalance. All have slo -19 which is arguably the best scope too.

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    • I gotchu fam 🖒 Although I'm not making recommendations. That's all on you guys. There are, however, 2 decent Thesan rolls. Credit goes to [url=]the reddit armsday thread[/url]. There are a few gun rolls missing though. Aoife Rua-D (Sniper Rifle) ... ARI-41 (Suros Auto) 1. SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SRO-41 - High Caliber Rounds / Feather Mag / Single Point Sling / Hand-Laid Stock / Hip Fire 2. SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SRO-41 - Hammer Forged / Oiled Frame / Single Point Sling / Smallbore / Private Eye 3. SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SRO-37 - Fitted Stock / Casket Mag / Speed Reload / Reinforced Barrel / Hidden Hand ARI-45 (Auto Rifle) 1. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Oiled Frame / Perfect Balance - Speed Reload / Hand-laid Stock - Persistence 2. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-37 - Casket Mag / Perfect Balance - Snapshot / Hand-laid Stock - Hidden Hand 3. SPO-26 / SLO-19 / SRO-37 - Oiled Frame / High Caliber Rounds - Snapshot / Smallbore - Outlaw Arminius-D (Häkke Auto) 1. SC Holo/LC Ranged - Last Resort - Spray and Play - HCR/Speed Reload/Rifled Barrel 2. GB Iron/LD Watchdog - Relentless Tracker - Focused Fire - HCR/Fitted Stock/Rifled Barrel 3. SC Holo/SD Thermal - Partial Refund - Rangefinder - Snapshot/Fitted Stock/Rifled Barrel ... DIS-43 (Suros Scout Rifle) 1. SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SRO-37 - Hammer Forged / Casket Mag - Unflinching - Single Point Sling / Smallbore 2. SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SRO-37 - Fitted Stock / Oiled Frame - Rangefinder - Single Point Sling / Rifled Barrel 3. SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SPO-57 - Fitted Stock / Casket Mag - Take a Knee - Lightweight / Rifled Barrel DIS-47 (Suros Scout) 1. SPO-26 / SLO-19 / SRO-37 - Oiled Frame / Perfect Balance - Rangefinder - Single Point Sling / Hand-laid Stock 2. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Oiled Frame / Fitted Stock - Rodeo - Snapshot / Smallbore 3. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SPO-57 - Casket Mag / Hammer Forged - Outlaw - Snapshot / Hand-laid Stock Eirene RR4 (Omolon Sniper) 1. Corvo SS2 / Faucon SS1 - Triple Tap - Reinforced Barrel / Quickdraw - Life Support / Shoot to Loot 2. Condor SS2 / Aquila SS4 - Triple Tap - Oiled Frame / Snapshot - Clown Cartridge / Exhumed 3. Condor SS2 / Aquila SS4 - Firefly - Hand-laid Stock / Snapshot - Life Support / Underdog ... Herja-D (Pulse Rifle) 1. SC Holo / LC Ranged - Army of One - Unflitching - Snapshot / Fitted Stock / Oiled Frame 2. GB Iron / LB Assault- Headseeker - Counterbalance - Single Point Sling / Hand Loaded / Injection Mold 3. GA Post / LB Assault - Danger Close - Full Auto - Snapshot / Hand Loaded / Injection Mold ... JLB-47 (Rocket Launcher) 1. Linear Compensator / Aggressive Launch / Hard Launch - Flared Magwell / Heavy Payload - Feeding Frenzy - Javelin / Quickdraw 2. Soft Launch / Aggressive Launch / Hard Launch - Speed Reload / Single Point Sling - Spray and Play - Javelin / Snapshot 3. Linear Compensator / Confined Launch / Countermass - Flared Magwell / Single Point Sling - Surplus - Perfect Balance / Quickdraw ... Lyudmila-D (Pulse Rifle) 1. SD Thermal / SC Holo - Army of One - Rodeo - Single Point Sling / Injection Mold / Hand Loaded 2. SD Thermal / GB Iron - Glass Half Full - Unflinching - Snapshot / Oiled Frame / Hand Loaded 3. LD Watchdog / SC Holo - Danger Close - Counterbalance - Single Point Sling / Reinforced Barrel / Speed Reload PDX-41 (Suros Pulse) 1. SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 - High Caliber Rounds / Casket Mag - Rangefinder - Lightweight / Rifled Barrel 2. SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SPO-57 - Perfect Balance / Oiled Frame - Unflinching - Lightweight / Smallbore 3. SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SRO-41 - Hammer Forged / Casket Mag - Counterbalance - Lightweight / Hand-Laid Stock PDX-45 (Suros Pulse) 1. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Casket Mag / Fitted Stock - Spray and Play - Lightweight / Injection Mold 2. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Oiled Frame / Hammer Forged - Zen Moment - Speed Reload / Reinforced Barrel 3. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Casket Mag / High Caliber Rounds - Icarus - Speed Reload / Rifled Barrel Strongbow-D (Shotgun) 1. CQB Ballistics / Field Choke - Army of One - Spray and Play - Lightweight / Hand Loaded / Hand-Laid Stock 2. Smooth Ballistics / Field Choke - Danger Close - Hot Swap - Lightweight / Fitted Stock / Oiled Frame 3. CQB Ballistics / Accurized Ballistics - Army of One - Hot Swap - Lightweight / Perfect Balance / Oiled Frame ... Thesan FR4 (Omolon Fusion) 1. Spark IS6 / Torch HS2 - Replenish - Injection Mold / Accelerated Coils - Rangefinder / Eye of the Storm 2. Candle IS2 / Torch HS2 - Hot Swap - Hand-laid Stock / Single Point Sling - Life Support / Eye of the Storm 3. Spark IS6 / Torch HS2 - Hot Swap - Braced Frame / Lightweight - Unflinching / Eye of the Storm ... Uffern HC4 (Omolon Hand Cannon) 1. TrueSight IS / FastDraw IS / SteadyHand IS - Third Eye - Reinforced Barrel / Snapshot - Rescue Mag / Exhumed 2. SureShot IS / FastDraw IS / QuickDraw IS - Third Eye - Injection Mold / Lightweight - Triple Tap / Eye of the Storm 3. SureShot IS / FastDraw IS / SteadyHand IS - Third Eye - Reinforced Barrel / Lightweight - Rescue Mag / Eye of the Storm

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      • Edited by Haunter: 6/8/2017 2:06:45 AM
        Accidental double post.

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        5 Replies
        • People STILL care about armsday?!

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          • From what I'm reading down below...the Lyudmilla-D rolls are shit. Save for next week I guess?

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          • Arms day?! NOOOOOOOOOO

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          • Pretty soon it's not gonna matter if the PDX gets a good roll because D2 will be out :(

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          • If i remember correctly as i remember it from year 1 feeding frenzy and flared magwell don't stack .. actually one of them cancel the other

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            • Missed you bb

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            • Let's see these guns

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            • Banshee: kind of a douche...

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            • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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            • I'm just gonna throw this out there...all of the PDX-45 rolls are meh for PVP.

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              • I picked up yet another Cocytus package this week and here's hoping that there will be at least one half-way good roll in the next 5 weeks, besides what else I am I going to do with Glimmer. Although I think I may have better odds in Vegas. As usual - thanks to all for doing these weekly updates.

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                • Edited by Haunter: 6/8/2017 1:54:39 AM
                  [quote][b][u]PVP[/u][/b] I will [b][u]NOT[/u][/b] be making PVP recommendations. Haunter won’t be here this week so hopefully Kroppin can cover PVP....[/quote] Ummmmmm........

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                  • Edited by kroppin: 6/8/2017 7:22:21 PM
                    [quote]Haunter won’t be here this week so hopefully Kroppin can cover PVP...[/quote] It looks like Haunter did some suggestions, but I'll try to fill in the gaps. Edit: whoops 😅 well, nevermind. If anyone still wants to look at my suggestions, they're in the spoiler. [spoiler][quote] [b]Uffern HC4[/b] Roll 1: Fastdraw/Steadyhand/Truesight Third Eye Snapshot/Reinforced Barrel Rescue Mag/Exhumed Roll 2: Fastdraw/Quickdraw/Sureshot Third Eye Lightweight/Injection Mold Triple Tap/EotS Roll 3: Fastdraw/Steadyhand/Sureshot Third Eye Lightweight/Reinforced Barrel Rescue Mag/EotS[/quote] Recommendation: Roll 1 or Roll 3 Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save Both 1 and 3 have good sights and reinforced barrel, which isn't the best option, but doesn't hurt the Uffern too much bc of its high stability. If I were to choose between the two, I would say roll 1 since EotS probably has more utility than Exhumed. The Uffern can do better though, so I recommend to save. [quote][b]Thesan FR4[/b] Roll 1: Void Spark/Torch Replenish Accelerated Coils/Injection Mold Rangefinder/EotS Roll 2: Solar Candle/Torch Hot Swap SPS/HLS Life Support/EotS Roll 3: Arc Spark/Torch Hot Swap Lightweight/Braced Frame Unflinching/EotS[/quote] Recommendation: Roll 1 or Roll 3 Redeem/Save/Reorder: Redeem Roll 1 has replenish, acc. coils (good for this archetype), and rangefinder; solid all around. Roll 3 comes with hotswap, braced frame for max stability, and somewhat decent perks in the last column. Both have the torch sight. Either one is a really good roll; I recommend picking it up. [quote] [b]Judith-D[/b] Roll 1: Truesight/Steadyhand Last Resort Who’s Next Hand Loaded/APR/Reinforced Barrel Roll 2: Truesight/Steadyhand Triple Tap S&P Hand Loaded/APR/Smallbore Roll 3: Fastdraw/Sureshot Hot Swap Rangefinder Snapshot/HCR/Smallbore[/quote] Recommendation: None; maaaybe Roll 3. Redeem/Save/Reorder: Save HC's in this meta, especially high impact ones, need some range. Roll 1 gives us reinforced barrel, but has ehh main perks; Roll 3 comes with rangefinder (good!), hotswap (ehh on a primary), and [i]smallbore[/i]. It might do well with smallbore, but if you're looking for a really good Judith, I recommend saving this time. [quote][b]Jingukogo-D[/b] Roll 1: Solar SDC/Field Choke Danger Close Battle Runner Flared Magwell/Perfect Balance/Rifled Barrel Roll 2: Arc Soft Ballistics/Accurized Ballistics Final Round Feeding Frenzy Flared Magwell/Hand Loaded/Rifled Barrel Roll 3: SDC/Accurized Ballistics Danger Close Feeding Frenzy Flared Magwell/Fitted Stock/Rifled Barrel[/quote] Recommendation: Roll 2 Redeem/Save/Reorder: Redeem (I guess?) I wouldn't really recommend anyone use this in PvP, but if you do want to use it, Roll 2 shows promise. Feeding frenzy is nice, especially on shotguns, it has rifled barrel, and final round goes well with its mag size of 3. [quote] [b]JLB-47[/b] Roll 1: Solar Aggressive Launch/Linear Compensator/Hard Launch Heavy Payload/Flared Magwell Feeding Frenzy Javelin/Quickdraw Roll 2: Solar Aggressive Launch/Soft Launch/Hard Launch SPS/Speed Reload S&P Javelin/Snapshot Roll 3: Void Confined Launch/Linear Compensator/Countermass SPS/Flared Magwell Surplus Perfect Balance/Quickdraw[/quote] Recommendation: Roll 1 Redeem/Save/Reorder: Reorder (Save if you're poor on glimmer like me) I only recommend Roll 1 bc that roll set (Heavy Payload, Javelin) gives the 47 its infamously insane blast radius and velocity; however, feeding frenzy is useless since you'll never reload that thing unless you either go into mayhem and scavenge enough rockets to reload or somehow manage to scrounge both heavy boxes without shooting more than 2 rockets. Both are pretty rare events imo. It's a decent roll, but I'd wait for a G&H roll. I HAVE THE PDX-41 ROLLS!! (AERIKX!) [b]PDX-41[/b] Roll 1: SLO-19/SPO-26/SPO-57 HCR/Casket Mag Rangefinder Lightweight/Rifled Barrel Roll 2: SLO-19/SPO-28/SPO-57 Perfect Balance/Oiled Frame Unflinching Lightweight/Smallbore Roll 3: SLO-19/SPO-28/SRO-41 Hammer Forged/Casket Mag Counterbalance Lightweight/HLS Recommendation: Roll 3. Redeem/Save/Reorder: Redeem. A good week for the PDX-41. Roll 3 looks very nice with Counterbalance + HLS; Hammer Forged also negates the loss of range with HLS, so it's all about the stability. This is probably the healthiest stability roll for the 41 since trying to add Pb to this mix is a bit redundant (only a smidge of stability left bc of hls, so it's not really worth it...). Plus, it has (almost) all the sights everyone loves! SLO-19 + SPO-28, probably the most popular suros scopes.[/spoiler]

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                    • Roll 1 for thesan is almost like mine it's a beast.

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                    • Two max stability air-45 and one max stability did-47 for offer

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                    • thanks for the info

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                    • Eager for next week's Zarinaea-D rolls. I'm after a Braced Frame at the very least.

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                    • Why is roll 1 on the thesan bad? I like rf acc coils and repenish. Im using mine for pvp over pve but i dont c what all the fuss about hotswap is. If u want hot swap use plan c. Thats how hotswap should work.

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                      • I guess you could say Banshee won't be havin any lady exos [i]roll[/i] into his place this week [spoiler]thats all I got. I don't do weapon recommendations. I just make puns and shoot aliens [/spoiler]

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                        10 Replies
                        • If he were to get laid for delivering those rolls, he would remember... [spoiler]...maybe.[/spoiler]

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                        • thanks for posting! always look forward to it.

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                        • Already gave him a big hug when I got my zariana months ago. Havent had to use another weapon since

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                        • What's the package from the speaker's writ? Is it the god roll Gozen-C?

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