Hey Bungie. When Destiny 2 rolls around, I know the tower gets destroyed and all. But you think we can at least kept all the emotes that players spent REAL MONEY ON. I would hate to see them go, and hate myself more for buying them if I couldn't keep them for all of destiny's years. So can we keep our emotes when we transfer to destiny 2.
From, perso playing sense destiny lanch.
You don't own anything on ps4 or ps4 rather you own a license to use it.
I dunno about other people but i didnt pay for any of my emotes.
Really? You thought you'd get to keep something you paid for? You're silly.
That's the thing with microtransactions: They don't last forever. Never have, never will.
Agreed. I hate feeling like with every update I'm constantly being lied to. I love Destiny but you guys really suck at keeping promises. We should at LEAST get to keep emotes, I think shaders and emblems too. Those are not things that will effect gameplay in Destiny 2. Just a tribute to the 3 years we've spent with you. (PS Ghost shells would be cool too, frontier shell please!)
Nope you have to buy them again, Taken King style.
No cause when the Tower explodes your character gets amnesia and can't remember any of them, but in the new social space there is a guy who will help you "remember" for a butt load of sliver HAVE FUN😃😃👍🏻
Then how would they resell them to you?
I noticed them using plenty of D1 emotes in the trailers. I think they'll be coming along
I'm sure there's plenty of microtransactions you've participated in that didn't carry on to a sequel.
[quote][spoiler]No... *evil laugh*[/spoiler][/quote] -Bungie
Not gonna happen.
Why when they can make u pay for the same ones in the next dlc... i mean game launch
They will be sold by XuR as "Legacy Emotes". That way we can pay for them again.
they gotta make that mullar i guess no
BUMP Don't forget an emote wheel so we don't have to go back and forth to that loading screen to switch them up
Keep. KEEP. keep. KEEP.