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Edited by SquattingTurtle: 5/23/2017 8:31:58 PM

Interview about patrols, adventures, and lost sectors

This sounds pretty damn good, we just need to see how it actually flows during the patrols though. example: you can use your ship on the same planet (fast travel) but they need to show ships dropping off players in game IMO. (like in the D1 gameplay reveal with Staten) I really hope we run into other guardians more often. [quote]Adventures:10-to-15-minute-long missions with narrative and dialogue and they take you to new places and they do new things – new mechanics. Lost Sectors: like dungeons where, occasionally, as you're wandering around the world, you see a symbol etched on some wall and you know you're close to an entrance of some kind. Then you get to go – no matter what activity you're on – you can just go into this Lost Sector and go find a boss, kill it, and get some sweet treasure.[/quote]

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  • Edited by FrenetiCreature: 5/25/2017 2:57:07 AM
    Lost Sector sweet treasure = 3 Motes of Light, 1 Strange Coin, and 1 Blue Engram, with a 1/20 chance that the Engram will a legendary, but will only decrypt to 450 light, with max light level being 500. This is Bungie's idea of sweet loot. Edit: Careful guys, if you agree with me, you might be blacklisted.

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    7 Replies
    • Nice info One thing I get from the article was: [quote]Io is a moon of Jupiter. It's got sulfur tornadoes. It's the last place the Traveler touched before he came to earth[/quote] "Sulfur tornadoes"? Probably means the place smells of eggs, has a corrosive atmosphere and probably pretty toxic as well if there is H2S along with the sulfur. Not necessarily a place I'd like to visit

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      • Edited by An Engram Full Of Bees: 5/24/2017 11:14:21 AM
        Now when they say treasure, do they actually mean [i]good[/i] and [i]legendary[/i] weapons and armor? Or do they mean a couple rare engrams and some glimmer?

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        7 Replies
        • D1 reveal was all a bunch of lies. As bad as liberals promising shit and then never delivering. Then keep you distracted with more lies so you forget.

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          • Any Single Ladies in here 30+ No fat chicks please.

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            • I really hope that, if not at launch, there is an actual use for our ships rather than... [spoiler]• ~ aesthetic ~ •[/spoiler] ... You feel me?

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              • Thanks dude ;)

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              • If anyone has played Neverwinter, it seems the open world in Destiny is built the same way in the context of queuing for adventures etc.....

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                • Edited by Gold E Lokz: 5/25/2017 7:50:27 AM
                  This sounded pretty good too...

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                • I hope exploration is the main focus on the patrol maps, tell a story with locations and small details, hint at other things related to known locations. It's always fun to look for and find interesting areas like that, even if not explained in full detail.

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                  • Yeah, i hope there are more players on patrol servers. Especially if the worlds are going to be a lot bigger. And also have better ways to interact with players. Bungie should implement what The Division did. Basically, if you have your mic on and other players have their mics on and you get close to those players then you can automatically connect and speak to each other. It would be a quick way to organize something to do in patrol. But if there aren't enough players roaming around in patrol then all the new patrol activities won't be as fun.

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                    5 Replies
                    • I'm going to be mad as hell if ships don't drop you off on the planet.

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                      1 Reply
                      • The PVE content for Destiny 2 sounds amazing. It's the PVP stuff that really to me, is a letdown. That being said I'm sure it will be an amazing game.

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                        • And more like we are cutting out this for dlc.

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                        • Imma stay away from youtubw and the forums for like a month after the release.. i want to find everything on my own and not with youtuber help

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                          20 Replies
                          • The bigger worlds and supposedly larger "hub" makes me wonder if these instances will be expanded to have more players inside at once.

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                          • I am more interested in the step up enemy count where right now if another guardian shows up we are all trying to kill the same 2 majors If they Ratchet up the enemy count then cool

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                          • I think the ship drop off is pretty likely. They showed it again at the reveal. Plus the wording of just picking a landing zone and stuff. I think we'll finally get it.

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                            • 2
                              Holy shit. The part where he is talking about wanting a singular social space that everyone uses and kinda insinuates that it isn't the farm..... I think after we reclaim the city at the end of the story the last city IS our new end all be all social space. That would be so -blam!-ing awesome

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                              11 Replies
                              • I really, really hope that exploration is going to be large and varied. I used to spend hours on D1 just looking. I want that feeling of thinking 'wow, this is somewhere new' and jump up on every ledge, look round every corner, admire the view, admire the detail. I want to see stuff to collect and the chests if they have them, I want to see something else other than materials as this was stupid in D1 as you have materials around the map anyway so why put them in chests also. I want to find things, collect things without the game pointing me to it. I hope that we have a good variety of bounties, side quests and these dungeons/adventures, I really hope its not just the same ones again and again. What would be cool is if the dungeons are randomly generated so they look different each time you visit, a bit like warframe.

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                                6 Replies
                                • Just imagine how cool it would be to see 3 ships drop a fireteam of 3 into a battle!

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                                • European Dead Zone just a social space like the tower

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                                  • Edited by BERSEKAEL: 5/24/2017 2:21:21 PM
                                    If they just drop mobs on strikes and raids areas in destiny 1, we would have an amazing open world double de size of what is right now... and some chest with real loot, like engrams and ammo It would improve every destination, like the dreadnaught or moon

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                                  • Very interesting article, thanks. The one with Luke Smith was great too, just cool to hear about the process of creating these great games.

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                                  • Thanks for the link! This is building up the excitement even more. I'm ready to play Destiny 2 NOW!

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                                  • i was kinda hyped about lost sectors but the way he describes it... just sounds like you go into a cave like in d1 and instead of getting a random chest you need to kill a boss first. i rly hope its a bit more fleshed out than just that. the chest should at least contain some unique lost sector / planet exclusive legendary armors or weapons and not just what you can get from a normal engram or a strike.

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