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5/16/2017 11:17:11 AM

The Guardian Thief Ch. 12: Guardians and Crows

Avilon returned to the hanger, where the Eliksni were all gathered, waiting for him. Kolrisi and Keirvik bowed at his presence, but every other Fallen stared in disbelief. "I need all of these skiffs down at the Den, picking up troops, now! Effective immediately, we head for Earth!" Avilon ordered. At first, no one listened, but Kolrisi confirmed his demands. Soon, pilots scrambled to get on board. One after another, twenty or more skiffs launched from the ketch and descended back to the planet. News spread through the caves quickly. Aviksis was defeated, and the successor was some machine god that had reached apotheosis. Now, this machine god wanted everyone on the ketch. Avilon hid away in the throne room with Kolrisi and Keirvik at his sides. "The Devils do not understand SIVA, and they never will. They abuse it, and become slaves to the technology. If we are to prosper, we will need to acquire this technology... and I believe I know a female who can help us get some of this 'SIVA'. Once we do, the House of Thieves will be larger than the Devils, more powerful than the Kings, and far more lethal than Winter!" Avilon clenched his four fists tightly. "The skiffs shall be returning shortly. Shall I prepare the House for our invasion of the Cosmodrome?" Kolrisi asked. "No, I want the news of my Kellship to spread throughout the collective. Once everyone accepts my rule, then--and only then--will we work as a unified force..." Avilon replied. Captains burrowed through the tunnels the Eliksni had dug out. "The Kell wants everyone aboard the ketch! All Eliksni are ordered to board the ketch!" They cried out. Odd, the tunnels were abnormally empty. "Captain, where is everyone?" A dreg asked. Instead of replying, the captain raised her shock rifle and signaled for her team to move forward. They continued to look around, but it seemed that most of the House had simply vanished. "My Kell, we can't locate the remainder of the House. What shall we do?" The captain asked over the radio. For a moment, there was no reply. Suddenly, a cryptic message, shrouded in static, played. "Ge... ...! Reef... ows... ... ...gaged... ... ket...!" Every pack of Fallen rushed back to the skiffs. With most of the ships on the surface, the ketch was exposed! Soon, the ships were back in orbit. Soon, many Eliksni emerged from shadows and invisibility cloaks. They growled distastefully. How could so many follow something as 'Avilon'? Several Ceres Galliot ships were circling the Terabiks-Fel! Many cannons, apart of the ketch's auto-defenses, were firing in all directions, trying to destroy the Awoken ships. The ketch was well shielded, but the constant damage from axion bombs weakened the defenses! With reinforcements coming in from down below, a full on space battle erupted above Venus! Skiffs, which outnumbered the Awoken three to one, began teaming up on the Ceres Galliots and shooting them down! "Keep their attention off of this ketch!" Avilon yelled into his built in radio. He rushed to the hanger while willing on his Eliksni combat gear. Just as the airlock to the hanger cracked open, a Reef ship slammed into the back wall, igniting the room in fire! Shanks flew in to put out the fire, but Avilon personally inspected the crash. Sure enough, two Awoken Crows stumbled out. One, still dazed, raised a Vestian Dynasty at Avilon, but the exo twisted her wrist then stabbed her stomach. The other, Avilon trapped in the flames. An arc torpedo barely scraped Avilon's right shoulder! The Guardian turned to see two Queen's Wrath marked skiffs coming in to dock. "We are being boarded! I repeat! We are being boarded!" "Avilon, you are under arrest for conspiring with the Eliksni, the murder of the Queen's royal guards, and theft of Awoken property!" A guard yelled as they began surrounding the exo. "I surrender!" Avilon yelled back as he threw his four arms in the air. Two guards rushed over to cuff him, but the Guardian head-butted the two, then used their bodies as shields from the incoming fire! The ear piercing howl of Eliksni filled the chamber as Awoken were cut down by three at a time! Stealth vandals snuck in and were now assassinating the intruders! Captains carrying scorch cannons rushed in and fired upon the Reef skiffs. After the projectiles charged, the captains detonated the bombs, destroying the troop transports! It wasn't long before the debris of Fallen and Reef ships got dragged down by the planet's gravity. After twenty minutes, the last of the Queen's Wrath was destroyed, but the ketch was not left unscathed. Many of the Thieve's fleet was scrap falling to Venus, but the remainder docked with the ketch. "Damage report..." Avilon demanded as he set course for the bridge. "Our engines are disabled, our shields are recycling, life support is critical, and the hanger is chaos... However, there are no reports of hull damage..." Kolrisi replied. "Those d***ed Awoken! I just want to let the House of Thieves emerge from the shadow of Devils, but it's just one thing after another!" Avilon ranted in English so no one could understand him. The hatch to the bridge opened, letting Avilon, Kolrisi, and the Kell's Guard in. However, the bridge was already occupied. "Our life supports were not damaged in the fight... they were tampered!" Keirvik exclaimed as he inspected the damaged servitor, Terabiks. All eyes turned to Avilon.

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