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Edited by RicochetMKXV: 5/15/2017 6:01:04 PM

Sentium Log: 09983 "Auroras"

[spoiler]This is a fan made series. Not official lore. If you do not like fan made content, leave now. I do not want this to be confused with official Bungie sanctioned content or an attempt to create it/forge it. This is for fun. [/spoiler] [[Log User: --REDACTED ACT FOG IDENT-- && Log Search: "Valkyrie + Sightings + Confirmed -a"]] . .. ... >>FOUR (4) RECORDS LOCATED. -- 1. GHOST "ARGO" @ [[TIMESTAMP CORRUPTED]] @ EARTH @ NORTHERN ICECAP @ GREAT FIELD [[AUDIO MARKED CORRUPTED]] -- 2. GHOST "ARGO" @ [[TIMESTAMP CORRUPTED]] @ EARTH @ LOW ORBIT [[TEXT ONLY]] --3. MARS VANGUARD SENSOR ARRAY @ CLOVIS BRAY ARCHIVES [[ LOCAL TIME -11:11:27:23:54]] [[AUDIO MARKED CORRUPTED]] --4. OLD PHILADELPHIA SENSOR ARRAY @ [[LOC. REDACT ACT FOG IDENT -- REJECT CODE: STARGAZE]] [[AUDIO MARKED CORRUPTED]] /2 ... ... >>RECORD LOCATED. >>>RECORD RECOVERED. >>>>RECORD DOWNLOAD COMPLETE. /play [i]"The sky is on fire. It is beautiful. The fire is painful. I am in it. I am a part of the sky, and so are the stars --- the moving stars, the ones raining down with me. The supernova I fell from still blossoms. I am just outside of its reach, though it seems to reach for me, though the fire already caught me and we are all part of the sky. So many colors. They all hurt. My systems are durable, my estimate is an expectation to survive---unless one of the other stars hits me, but I am ahead of them and only the fire which is us all and the beauty which is the pain have caught me. This is beautiful. We were a Ketch, a moment ago. My Guardian was among others, but then [b]She [/b]arrived --- the comet, I see her outrunning the sky and the stars with me --- and then the Ketch was a blossom and we were all stars."[/i] >>END RECORD

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