So, my friend bought me Overwatch for my birthday and I know its pretty cool game but I am confused about some things and am turning on you veterans.
1. What is difference between Competitive and Quick play?
2. What are the gamemodes?
3. How to progress in game and what are rewards?
4. Can I play PvP PvAI and AIvAI?
5. How to best combine teams?
Thanks for all your anwers!
[spoiler]6. Is R34 for OW good?[/spoiler]
Edited by gregman: 5/14/2017 7:39:20 PM1. Quick Play is unranked, Competitive is ranked. 2. There's Assault, Escort, Hybrid between those last two and King Of The Hill. 3. You get a lootbox every level-up, and rewards at the end of a competitive season, depending on where you were ranked. 4. You can play regular Quick Play and Competitive, those are PvP, Versus AI is PvAI. 5. You usually want a balance of DPS (offense and defense), Tanks and Healers.