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Edited by Hawpy: 5/4/2017 4:43:17 PM

A Question for Tryhards

While I understand that winning is supposed to be fun, how can you people enjoy yourselves when only using the same loadouts? Same meta-weapons every match, same cheap tactics. How is it fun to win, knowing that you have to sweat your balls off to have a chance? Do you want to inflate your stats and compensate for your own lack of gun-skill? Please, tell me. Before you say that the meta is the only good set of weapons, you're already wrong. Gee, I can't wait for this to be downvoted heavily, if anyone even sees it. Edit: I'm on YouTube! I'm featured in Hush's latest Palindrome review, in which he insults me for using Cocytus SR4 and Plan C in Rift on Last Exit. Edit 2.0: Go and find the comment on this post by llGhost1ll, he/she(/xe?) understands my point, explains it in a more amicable way, and you as readers are less likely to despise them because they aren't the original poster.

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  • I think when you talk about gunskill you are confusing destiny with some other game. This game has not had effective weapons since year one. The best think I can do to try and kill my opponent is throw a grenade at him. Weapons? Gunskill? Is it 2015 again?

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  • Edited by FlareFL: 5/7/2017 7:59:56 AM
    Why discuss a choice? If you are putting yourself in a potentially losing situation, don't blame others. P.S.: Yes, it would seem that this post is not another unhappy appeal to the meta players, but I don't believe that these questions appear because of purely sporting interest.

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  • I'm not a super sweaty player, and I can't speak for all the Meta abusers out there, but let me tell you a quick story. If you were here in year one, the Thorn/Felwinter meta was pretty strong. 2 tap kills from long range was real appealing. So when you were up against that load out, your options were fairly limited, and most people would fight meta with meta. Some of the better players found success with a big range of loadouts, but the bulk of the competition used what was being used against them. The super sweaty meta guys this season, not all of them are doing it to be super sweaty. I feel a good group are using them in response to what is being used against them. Winning is fun, losing to skill is fun, but losing to a broken mechanic or a Meta is pretty frustrating, at least to me. If you are getting routinely beat by a specific loadout, I think most people would adjust to that load out. Just my 2 cents :)

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    3 Replies
    • There's an old Chinese, I think , proverb.... Go a lil som' like dis...... "I'm more afraid of the man that practice one punch 10000x, than that which practice with 10000 punches one time" like......yo

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      5 Replies
      • Edited by Tamed: 5/5/2017 9:58:43 AM
        I enjoy 3 tapping people from air with my god rolled Palindrome. Who tf are you to tell me how I should have fun? Them: "Omg, he's using Palindrome! Doesn't the tryhard know how to have fun!?" Me: "Hahaha, get pooped on! This Handcannon is so much fun killing people from the air!" -blam!-ing losers bro I swear.

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        4 Replies
        • I use whatever I want and for the most part succeed against meta users. Eventually you run into good players and get forced into meta stuff if you want to win, though.

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        • I've never given up my Lyudmila-d. I'd rather use a mediocre gun few others use than a great gun everyone uses.

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          • Some people are simply better and fps games. What might be hard for you could be rather simple for others. Why wouldn't [u]anyone[/u] use the most effective tactic to get kills? Did you ever think that, even while using meta weapons, it's still a game and still possible to have fun. The level of fun is not reliant on using ineffective weapons... Calling someone a sweaty or tryhard is honestly stupid as hell. Someone beat you, oh what's that, they were using the weapons that allow them to get kills more easily than your obscure terrible one...

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          • People can use what they want. I don't like using hand cannons or side arms, just my person preference. I will use scout rifles and pulses. Always have done and I always will. You use what you feel comfortable using. Wether that weapon is part of the meta or not. I'm not gonna change a weapon that I don't feel comfortable using. Why would I or anybody else do that?

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          • Edited by TruthandRecon: 5/5/2017 8:13:18 PM
            I think the answer is simple for a lot people. People prefer to experiment outside of the crucible. Overall objective: Winning for most (?), and competitive nature takes over when the game is on the line. These people stay with just what works, and don't try to fix what isn't broken. I'm below average, so clearly the post isn't directed at people like me. Many people have more skill than I'll ever have, so I can appreciate people who don't cheat and are crazy good.

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          • I personally enjoy playing well and making good plays. That's why I use meta loadouts more than I should, I do like using non meta stuff from time to time but only casually

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          • If you see someone running around with a Fatebringer in PvP that's probably me lol. I don't know why but I've been loving running a full VoG set for Crucible. Praetorian Foil is actually really good, too.

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            • I use palindrome because I like handcannons, it just so happens to be one of the top handcannons, can't help that it's good and usually comes with great perks in the vendor. I have now an I'll will I'm going to play with and a kumakatok with firefly and some other perk. Handcannons are just satisfying to use to me. I personally hate meta things but I'll switch if I'm honestly getting annoyed. Although I never switch to shotties, not throughout my entire PvP career (like for the meta) I've always sniped and I recently over the past 2 months have been vooping, having fun. I have icebreaker if I get tired of sidearms but I just recently got a longbow I like, I'm hoping to get praedyths from atheon this week. Meta means nothing if you can outplay them ;3

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            • Edited by Legion: 5/5/2017 5:42:17 PM
              I've been using Pulses and Fusions since Year 1. It was Red Death and Peruns Fire, but they were put down with the nerfs and Peruns Fire never made it to the current year. So now I use Grasp and Plan C. I have used Snipers in the past and enjoy Zen more then anything even if it isn't as fast or stronger then some legendaries with the right perks. I don't mind because it feels like a great snipe for me. Never liked the meta or switched to anything that was the current meta.

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            • I've been using MIDA and pulses since vanilla destiny. Been maining blade since it was obtainable. Even after all the horrid nerfs i still main it. I mained blink till recently due to the nerf. I used arc bolts till they got nerfed to the ground. I used skips till they got nerfed. (I will never use shinobu's vow) now I use flux grenades even though they are the worst sticky. That auto meta with Suros being top tier? I used Vision of Confluence and Strange suspect Thorn last word meta aids? I used MIDA and Strange suspect It just so happens to be that my favorite weapon type becomes meta and i go from getting props for using them to... "your trash use something that takes skill." [b]just play the game and have fun with it people can be so dense.[/b]

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              • SBMM... it encourages this shit

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              • I dont play ftw mostly for kills. Supremacy is great for that.....

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                • Edited by Shirtless_Captain_Kirk: 5/5/2017 12:19:46 AM
                  You're barking up to wrong tree here. The same people will in one breath tell you that they aren't "tryhards" and that the term makes no sense, while at the same time always picking the easiest weapons and abilities to kill with (aka METAS AKA MOST EFFECTIVE TOOL AVAILABLE). So yeah you're gonna find some ironic af opinions here that are one sided af

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                  7 Replies
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                    It's human nature, man

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                  • Edited by TheKumarEffect: 5/5/2017 8:25:58 AM
                    Lmao can't believe people still use the excuse of opponents being try hards. Sorry but I didn't pay $60+ to lose. Winning is fun to me and a lot of people

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                    • Edited by kroppin: 5/5/2017 1:34:43 PM
                      Edit: eh nvm about that. I'm stupid. [quote]Edit: I'm on YouTube! I'm featured in Hush's latest Palindrome review, in which he insults me for using Cocytus SR4 and Plan C in Rift on Last Exit.[/quote] I'm gonna be that guy... On that video, I'm pretty sure that Hush wasn't insulting your weapon choice, but your playing style (in that moment). You looked as if you were playing really passive, crouching, scoping down the hallway, and throwing grenades (which is understandable since you were running a low rof scout). I think what made him (Hush) salty is that everyone seems to play very passively now in crucible: always beginning engagements with grenades, never committing to gunfights and running away; it can be frustrating to deal with in large amounts. While you were justified in playing like that, he associated that kind of behavior with you and got salty when you territorially killed him. And don't we all get rage sometimes (especially against passive people? some people pair passive play with "camping")? Unless you're blindingly positive, it can happen to the best of us. When something stupid happens, the way someone plays, other people's weapon choice, etc., we all can at least let out some expression of irritation. We're all human. The point is, I think [i]that's[/i] why he raged like that, and not because you were using those weapons. Iirc, he actually likes fusions, and I'm sure we can all agree that they're one of the farthest weapons from the meta atm (Plan C, second to Salad's Vigil, is kinda meta in terms of fusions tho). Btw, congrats if you find that (getting a YouTuber mad) a win. I wish I could (somewhat) say the same when I played against Aztecross, but he ended up getting a triple on me with the Burning Eye scout in the stupidest way on my part, so yeah lol

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                      1 Reply
                      • So what youre saying is, people who want to win and will do whatever it takes to win, are wrong because they're not playing how you want to plah and not using what you want them to use. Basically. Am I wrong?

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                        1 Reply
                        • What does anyone mean "Try Hards"? The point of playing a game is to win. Are you gonna call someone a tryhard for practicing hard and getting 1st place in a 5K race? No. You're supposed to try hard. That whole term is idiotic.

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                          6 Replies
                          • Nothing can be worse that the [i]youre a scrub if you aren't using TLW and 1k Stare combo.[/i] Nothing is worse. Except maybe the dab emote.

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                            3 Replies
                            • I agree. I don't go meta try hard in reg crucible. That's all I see tho.. news flash people! If you have to use the meta to do well, you're not as good as you think..

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                              2 Replies
                              • I've been using scouts and sidearms since long before this meta. I even have different scouts to use for different maps and situations. For sidearms, I've used so many and I prefer the Queen's Choice for its fast equip speed and smooth handling. Basically my sidearm is my personal defense weapon when reloading my scout is too slow or when my enemy is too close and I need the faster fire rate. Now, because of my weapon choices and play style, I get hateful messages from people calling me just about everything from try hard, meta hore, camper, and so on. I understand that there are players out there who will only use the meta in the hopes that it will make them a better player or whatever, but just remember that there are players out there who use sidearms as a personal preference.

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