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Edited by Lost Sols: 5/1/2017 4:13:40 PM

#destinytruthcast Episode 47: Is this real life?

[quote]Downloadable Audio links: [b]SoundCloud[/b] [b]Podbean[/b] [b]iTunes[/b][/quote] Welcome to episode 47 of the #destinytruthcast where you the community join us in talking all things Bungie and Destiny. Today RedWingGirl and I welcome bnet community guests Duke Rains and [url=]Hands0meDrag0n[/url] Today's topics include: -Gratitude -Meeting the guests -Forever 29 -Hard mode challenges (which has been the hardest) -Is Trials the worst game mode ever added to an existing game post-launch? -Efrideet and a world without light -God save the Queen -[url=]Post of the week[/url] -Favorite moments of the week -A special goodbye :) Once again thank you to Duke Rains and Hands0meDrag0n for joining us today and we thank you for listening and participating on the forums. We can be found on twitter @dstinytruthcast and online at As always, if you'd like to be on a future podcast, message us and let us know your thoughts on the game and what you think would be an important topic to come on and discuss. We look forward to hearing from you and can't wait to hear more voices on the next episode :) [spoiler]Theme song: Convince Us Artist: Swell Album: Whenever You're Ready[/spoiler] History of #dtc guests: [spoiler]Once again I want to thank each of the Guardians who've appeared on the #dtc and helped make this such a cool experience as we've gotten to know each other a little and talk Destiny. Hope the list continues to grow with many more Guardians from the forums :) WoundedBdgr0317 CarnivalLaw J Stevensontown W4RPRIEST DOMINATION fibeto mastercheeif Draken Wolfe iDovahbear Wraith13 RavenousLD3341 RedWingGirl1999 BigTexB007 Kabr LoganX Tzoedn KnightsXB ill skillz 1881 pacificdune Swedishbass MrMatrix24 Fido246 U Cant Tunafish Knightslayer Domwompy Ashe DemonicDMouse Micktheknife Hap Happyton King Nis Trynn IronBill Synge laughingman911 darkjohn333 Z3RO Supreme Butthurt Dynamite MADG33K SithLord Osirus Mayhem420 Dardex2112 Rorschach9182 Caladur Orpheus49 TheKungLao ProYunkinator The Grass Fever ERN ACOLYTE Aerikx Optimus immortal Psyperactive81 piratepatchy243 jcald1978 Durandal Synge1080 Astareign Carlous Scopalo Theo Papi (Shotgun Warrior) Tim of Tacoma Mercules904 x614hamstercatx biglou_x1000 Supermans Doctor MessersCohen King Cepheus HAVOC sjshady0169 thefortkeeper stealthmanuk Paul Tassi ViperVenomxACR TheBeejAbides RenegadeD3V1L NaviLIicious twheeeeezy17 Kyt_Kutcha Paradox1055 FJFSOM656 ChrisOfTheDead DarkEcoKat The Orwell erakis1 skAnarkist Duke Rains Hands0meDrag0n[/spoiler]

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  • Congrats for getting the invite Sols and Redwing!!! I'm glad to see the normal, everyday player will be there. Not just the Rah, Rah Streamers!!! Also......BUMP!

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  • BUMP

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  • Edited by ironBill: 5/5/2017 2:28:22 PM
    Took a few days to get through the cast - lots going on at work and home. Trials - I may not be a fan of it, but some form of endgame PvP content needs to exist. Trials doesn't really serve that niche well because it is ill-conceived to the core and of course the unified sandbox. What is needed is a complete redesign. Trials should have unique maps. It should have white guns. It should have a totally separate sandbox. The only thing that should carry over is the character and abilities, and perhaps armor. I know you're thinking, "IB, why unique maps? I get everything else, but maps?!" Yup. If you use white guns, unique maps could allow for 3v3 specific balanced game maps that will enable the use of any weapon. Now? Maps and weapon selection pretty much dictate a HC/IB/sidearm layout with most teams camping the back of a map. Why hang onto abilities and armor? That separates Destiny from CoD or Battlefield. If Bungie wants an MLG title, it has to find a niche. "But IB, I wanna use MY weapons!" Fair enough. You can have your cake and eat it too. A typical list of white guns for a week: Clever Dragon Mida Palindrome Matador Wormwood Icebreaker Longbow Synthesis Silvered Dread Hezen's Vengeance (HEEE-ZUNNNN'S, VENNN-JUNNNZ!) Whether or not you've earned a gun, if it's on the list, you may choose it. It's a god roll, of course. Reset special ammo to old values. Create enough space on maps and/or return primary power to year one levels. Let that play and adjust as necessary. Trials players can ask for whatever change they like and the rest of us enjoy the game with fewer needless interruptions.

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  • Edited by Aulakauss: 5/3/2017 4:32:51 PM
    Hey, congrats on the invite, guys! It's nice to see people other than streamers got invited to the event. EDIT: Currently listening to the cast as I type, but wanted to chime in on the surprising amount of people who can't run sword thing, as I'm one of them. In the original Crota, it seemed (at least for me) there was always that one guy that's like 'I run sword, no one else touch it', and either you accepted that, or you challenged him, tried, failed one damn time and the whole rest of the raid is getting bitched at for it. Or people telling you 'you have to be Hunter' to run it, or expecting you to be able to get him to half health as a baseline standard. I decided it just wasn't worth my grief with the LFG people I'd end up with. I figured it was easier to just let the little jerk have his ego trip over his sword skills, get through Crota and go home. I'm not sure if this is what a lot of other people ended up doing as well, but.. figured I'd share, add some context to it.

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    • First things first, congrats to both Redwing Girl and yourself for being invited to the reveal. It's an awesome honor, and you guys deserve it for the time you have put into this podcast. So enjoy yourselves 😎👍 Now then, to a few noteworthy topics: 1) the extra relic was added to the Gatekeeper encounter because they started the time for blindness to begin as soon as you enter the portal, and it overtakes you quicker than before. That's why it's there, and it's no other reason why. 2) I hate the idea of proximity chat. As someone who has played ESO, which has prox chat, I can assure you it is by far one of the most annoying things I have ever had to deal with. Unless I either entered my own private chat or muted my volume on my television, I could literally not hear myself think when within a major hub area, especially with all the random yelling people tend to do within such a feature, or the obnoxious music blasting...... 3) Is trials to blame for what has become of this game? Short answer is yes. While similar balance changes could have occurred from regular crucible, the fact that trials brings specific loadouts and setups to the forefront, which then everyone tends to gravitates towards, which then causes these nerfs we are dealing with because Bungie does not know how to balance things without swinging the nerf bat to everything. The concept of meta is what has been an issue, and there is really only one game mode that a meta would be a thing: Trials. So other than the early nerfs pre trials, I can blame a lot of our weapons and abilities systematic demise on this one 3v3 game mode. Do I feel it needs to be removed? No. Reworked yes, so it does not have an impact to destroy the game link it has in D1, and if the white weapon thing will do it, than so be it. I'll post more later. Time to go to sleep😴💤💤💤

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    • Edited by Carlous Scopalo: 5/3/2017 12:14:21 PM
      This was a very mind nourishing episode I must say. So much info. Loved the grimoire reading especially and listening to RWGs frustration about snipers and trials. I can relate to those frustrations completely. LOL! I am expecting to see the Queens Brother's famous supposed cut off scene in destiny 2 [b]"Out hear in the wilds, THIS is how we talk"[/b] Really excited for the sequel. Edit: Sweet tip on the Templar teleport notification by the way. That will definitely help a lot of runners get better at it.

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      • whats it like to be a bungo lap dog? seriously man i honestly don't know what game you have been playing and or supporting. i can tell you this much it isn't this destiny.

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      • Not to down play both your feelings regarding the invite but why are you so surprised? It is strategic for them to promote and invite if you will, anyone that has a destiny audience in order to generate sales and talk about D2. They also are allowing streamers to stream their game play from the invite. You guys have done a great job and deserve this invite but tell me how many people got invited that do NOT stream, twith, YouTube, destiny? I bet you will find the answer to that to be no one or perhaps a token invite to one or two non destiny broadcasters. Btw another good podcast thanks guys.

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        24 Replies
        • This must be what a fluffer feels like when they finally get invited to be in a scene.

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          3 Replies
          • Bump! I liked it! Keep it up!

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            2 Replies
            • Wow! Congratulations you guys. I actually remember when you upload the first episode on these forums. Time sure flies. Best of luck.

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              • Bump

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                • Keep up the great work you two. Love listening to these.

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                  • Dude that is awesome that you got an invite. You deserve this man. You'll be under an MDA agreement so watch out from those who I'll try to get info from you before time. Keep up the good work Sols.

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                  • Congrats on getting the invites!! It's nice to see you get a little something from Bungie. I mean, you guys go out of your way in your own time to make your podcast and give us bnet users a bit of a voice, so to get the invites in my opinion is well deserved. Good job :-)

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                    • Edited by RavenousLD3341: 5/1/2017 6:58:37 PM
                      Listening now! I'm a mod for my group on the100 now :D HOLY SHIT! YOU SCORED AN INVITE! Congrats guys, you've earned it!!!!!! Concerning your question about trials.... Normally I see around 600-800k users playing crucible during the week. About 300-350k accounts Participate in trials every week. And about 10-15% of them go flawless. For example...... 5/1/2017 [quote]42,586 ACCOUNTS FLAWLESS 314,599 ACCOUNTS PARTICIPATED 1,073,610 TOTAL MATCHES 18,801,241 TOTAL KILLS [/quote]

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                      4 Replies
                      • Awesome podcast sols and redwing. Thanks for the shout out. Made my day, glad I could help y'all out.

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                        • Bump. Congrats on the invite.

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                          4 Replies
                          • Good stuff once again. Represent Bnet with pride! lol

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                            • Another great conversation. I gotta start reading grimoire!

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                              11 Replies
                              • Great pod as always and congrats to you and RWG on the D2 reveal invite!

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                                • Congrats on the invite Dedication should not go unnoticed

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                                  • Congrats on the invites! Well deserved. Just remember, no matter how famous you guys get, I introduced you two. 😉

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                                    4 Replies
                                    • Congrats on invite. RWG, I must disagree with you (vehemently) over the possibility of having "open mic's" in the Tower or other open spaces. I think that will lead to disaster and drive many players away. Mainly because there are way too many immature players that would engage in verbal harassment of other players. In the very beginning of D1 you would see this type of harassment by groups of players sometimes surrounding and then staying in the face of a specific player not in their fire team. Just imagine if they could start throwing insults or challenges at them even though they were minding their own business. I don't know if you played Halo 2 or 3 but their pre and post game lobbies could quickly become cess pools with all kinds of vulgar hate speech. I think Bungie finally got it right in D1.

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                                      9 Replies
                                      • Congrats on the invite Sols, now go tell the devs to remove Trials of Osiris from Destiny 2 thanks. :)

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                                        • Edited by UFSman: 5/2/2017 4:16:22 PM
                                          I have said this a few times this is why we need reroll on guns and armour without it there is no point in grinding cause it could take months to get the set you want and let's face it you don't want to be playing it for months on end after finishing that amazing short story. I would love destiny to be more quest heavy but when that may stop some of he casual players but I would love to harder end game activities in pve cause the raid is just to easy you never hear anyone say hey wait up a minute I need to level up my raid armour I just got so I can be better just hold on while I put in these nodes of light etc. Hardest challenge is still aksis cuase their is no room for error you miss it once or once person dies that's it you if to wipe and start again. One the things I hate most is people who host lfg games and when a don't recruit the people who sign up or just ignore them and go and join another lfg we need a system which ether auto updates fire teams or can report bad people. Mm in game would not work cause of language barriers and if we had mm people would sign up go off to the loo or go to work etc and come back just to see what checkpoint they got so they can do it later and that would upset a lot of people to turn on mm and get afk player after afk player as long as we have a kick action I don't mind having it but if we don't have it in raid when I just see complaining about a thing that they should not complain about. I agree I love raiding. The whole reason I got destiny was for raiding and I love it. One the few reasons why people haven't done the raid is cause they can't be brotherd to find people they can't be brotherd to send messages out to random who play strikes and talk to people they just can't be brotherd doing that so no wonder they haven't raided. Souls I understand the pain you get from them changing things but I don't want to if to limit myself to one class just cause that class has one hit kill grenades it stupid every class should have one hit kill grenades I shouldn't be forced to play one class just cause it has better grenades than the other classes. Your guest makes a great point these days I see a lot of people who just spam fusion grenades and it's silly I never used to see but now I see it all the time. The whole white guns goes against the point of destiny which is do the raids get good guns and take them to pvp with you otherwise what's half the point of playing raids if you can't use the guns in pvp? Favourite moment competing ff 15 yeah that was great I'll be on this week for vog.

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