First Mad Max, now Krishna? Offtopic could use mods, but hell, Krishnas will be kinda flat as a moderator if you ask me...
Maybe Krishnas will unlock Ninja powers when he falls off the edge of the Earth.
I hope that guy dies before anyone on offtopic becomes a ninja
Where do you hear these rumors? Dont think they are true, but I'd take the job if offered. People think I am a jerk, but I can be more chill and fair than they give me credit. Excessive assholery would definitely end on my watch...
Mad Max is a ninja now?
I should be a ninja
Edited by GG ALLIN RIP: 5/1/2017 8:30:08 PMNeither one of them are. Or will be.
I would rather see it in the hands of a bot. A sith bot who i control to use equal opportunity banning. Feel the hate..i mean it would bring equality..your complaints would be sent back..i mean you would be listened to. Anyways who is This Krismas Leper guy anyways? Just one of my soon to be lackey's. [spoiler]Making like a true Sith -5000 BBY [/spoiler]
11/10, pun of the year.
What if you're trying to become a ninja?
Nah, just incorrect rumors. It was actually CrazyLincoln and The Cellar Door who were promoted.
If he ever became a Ninja, posts like these would become prevalent in every sub-forum. And that is a scenario that I do not mind, because it's hilarious watching people's reactions against him.
Honestly, I would rather see Krishnas as a ninja than Mad Max. Max gets butthurt too easy.
We need... [spoiler]Offtopic Ninja Warrior Challenge[/spoiler] We can hold it at Homo Habilis's Big Open Area and upload it to #community to ask for views
Heh... What's getting worse, humanity or their jokes?
Wait, max is a ninja?
Stop Making stupid people mod nominated
I would like that just to see offtopic flip shit...
I see what you did there & flat out, I laughed.
But mad Max isn't a ninja so ha