[b]Solar Burn[/b] - Solar Damage from any source is greatly increased.
[b]Exposure[/b] - Guardian shields are increased but do not replenish.
[b]Airborne[/b] - Players deal more damage while in the air.
[b]Ironclad[/b] - More enemies have shields.
[b]Daybreak[/b] - The Darkness grows stronger, and so do you. Form a fireteam of three and unleash your Light with greatly increased ability recharge.
Alright, we are back to Daybreak! Where we get our supers fast, so we can wreck havoc quickly and swiftly! This week we're meeting with a fellow shank again, this time, with more supers, and make sure you stay in the air!
Now for heroic strikes, we have a nice legendary weapon from VoG you may have heard of, [armory]Found Verdict[/armory]
Recommended Weapon(s) for this Nightfall:
[armory]((FEVER AND REMEDY~))[/armory]
Strike Exclusives: These items have a chance of dropping from the chest at the end of the strike when a skeleton key is inserted.
[armory]Devouring Maw[/armory]
[armory]Baron's Ambition[/armory]
[u]SIVA Crisis Heroic Modifiers[/u]
[b]Heroic[/b] - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
[b]Arc Burn[/b] - Arc Damage from any source is greatly increased.
[b]Specialist[/b] - Secondary Weapon damage is favored.
[b]Juggler[/b] - No ammo drops for your equipped weapon.
[u]Weekly Story Playlist Modifiers[/u]
[b]Heroic[/b] - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
[b]Ironclad[/b] - More enemies have shields.
[b]Airborne[/b] - Players deal more damage while in the air.
Have fun!
Must be the easiest nightfall so far since I was able to solo it. Sunsinger ftw.