Do you want dinklebot back?
Post your answer below and explain why!
What are the pros and cons?
Dinklebot chose me to be his guardian. We fought valiantly side by side from the darkest depths to the outskirts of the galaxy. He was my ghost and I his guardian. As a ghost he was always programmed to help me through my battles and accompany my travels as if he were an A.I. Like he was an exo who hadn't found his voice. But you, as the guardian see, from time to time, fear and thankfulness in this robot companion. You see this and you know... your ghost is more human than you thought. All of his thoughts and feelings hidden behind this shell. Is he sacred? Is he afraid, afraid of going on adventures he isn't used to. Traveling the universe with a guardian he had just recently met. There was always so much depth behind this stale character that could have been so amazing to expand upon.... but now we have this shit. My ghost is gone... I lost him in that damn prison and I want him back.
I think no. It always felt like he was bored and had no emotion
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