This is something I'm always looking for. Scannable objects. Even if the small dialogue means nothing I want to hear it and know about it. Story is always first for me.
I was wondering if anyone has compiled a list of who/what/where/when things can be scanned. I always seem to miss them for some reason and I have not found any re-playing the story on hard (to bond with Nolanbot). Are they only in TTK areas? If so I'll just have to pay close attention for the ghost thing even though I almost always miss it. I've also only done the first mission. The tower quest chains have been keeping me busy.
Cheers. I hope I'm not the only one interested in this stuff!
So far from going back to the story missions in the previous Destiny the answer is no. Seems like the TTK is the only storyline that has scannable objects for Ghost Link. Bungie won't bother confirming this.