In our increasingly digital age, the way we consume our media is involving much less getting up to change a cd, flip a tape or record, etc. So I beg the question: Wither it's your music albums or your video games, do you still hold onto physical forms of media or have you made the switch to digitally storing all of your goodies?
Myself I still hold onto CD-ROM as a format as I'll occasionally still make music compilations for my car. Plus I get to make my own album art on the disc. The bulk of my love however, lies in my massive Xbox library that spans three console generations.
The physical world is a lie and we live in a simulation
I get some things digitally and some things physically.I prefer to have digital games and most other things physical.
Video games are the only thing I will buy in physical form, purely for re-sale when I get bored or finish them.
Yes and I prefer it.
Compact bump
Digital is the future. All of my music and most of my games are digital.