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originally posted in: Get a job... Happy Easter, kids.
4/13/2017 1:06:02 PM
This is hilarious. Sounds like a personal issue with your sons or nephews. In reality the actual product is perpetually more and more broken because Bungie is hyper focused on the wrong bottom line rather than their actual duty of maintaining what once was a promising gaming experience. Which in turn would bring them far more valid riches. Now? This shit is unplayable unless you're a mindless zombie or pacifying yourself with a thumb in your ass. Bungie has stolen your money and said deal with it we're Buuungie, triple A biiiiiutch. Single A as of now and I was a huge fan and still want to be . Your perspective is entirely backward. In reality, Bungie should be issuing refunds to all paying customers. Over a single lie. A single lie makes that true. Just like the food industry or anything else in reality. You serve me rotting zebra of unknown origin when I ordered cow flank? I get money back plus apology. You serve me water? I order a straight up scotch and you bring me watered down BS like some thief? You give me money back and are ashamed and can learn how to be honest or get roasted live at all times. Your money pays for nothing but what you're about to be charged for next. It's like loaning them money to only be used toward pursuits focused on taking even more money from you. Completely perverse and disgusting way of doing business. Bungie could fire half their employees and still become professional but they have an ego that requires continual feeding. They aren't even a real company. They are completely disjointed and use their product to make money the same way crack dealers in 1992 used baking soda to increase profits. Pure trickery. Because--- crackheads. Their real valued custies. But they pretend it's some 2017 hi-tech research business practice that makes sense because it brings in far more profit. Shit's ancient it's called deceit and thievery. Bungie -blam!- us on D1 to create D2. Period. Eyes entirely on their gleaming battleship and false pride. Like a young girl mindlessly standing in front of a mirror focused on her careful mask rather than true beauty. Make-believing rather than truly being. A producer of any product can create a sound product and then sell it for a fair price with a straight face. Not create a half-baked product with neon lights and lies and then throw it in the freezer to die while focused on the next fling. You're being -blam!- and are just used to it in this inverted society. Bungie treats you like a mindless consumer and you the majority affirm that reality and allow this heavily deluded relationship to thrive. 140 likes. Of course. Music to their wax-filled ears. Wake up and demand perfection for full price. Always. I could go work for Bungie today and have the entire game running smoothly within a week. Test me bungie I live in Portland and will show up for work next Monday and show you how to operate your lazy ass studio front to back top to bottom and I don't know anything about video game development. I simply understand how to carry a task from left to right with no errors. Pure uncut raw product once it hits the shelf. Never watered down. Never adulterated. Real and for the people. Bungie should not be payed for stale raw dough. Ever. Cook my pizza and serve it with pride. Not trash and hide. Nobody should pay for unfinished work unless that is what is being purchased. We purchased a full-price game and should expect it in return. Demand what you pay for. Never explain -blam!-ed up business practice as though it's the way things really ought to be. Your perspective is contagious and how we ended up here. They believe it. Correct yourself and stop riding what's halfway glowing. I'm glowing and so are many but bungie is simply leeching. Learn it or be their bitch which is the actual implied expectation at all times. Thanks to your openly displayed eager willingness.

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  • If you are wondering why Bungie never called you to come in on Monday..."payed"

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  • Stopped at "this shit is unplayable". Best shooter mechanics EVER in a FPS and it's unplayable shit. What the fvck is good to you if mechanics like these are "shit"? Bait is bait etc but sometimes it's too retarded to bother reading all of it

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  • Your an idiot if you truly believe its his personal issue every kid or person in destiny will cry about this

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  • You're*

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  • Sml mistake *claps*

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  • I always win.

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  • L, for that comment , theres a first for everything i guess ;)

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  • But the 14th was not that day.

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  • are you buying destiny 2??

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  • Absolutely! Upvoted my friend

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  • Edited by yungblockburna: 4/13/2017 2:43:40 PM
    Guy writes an entire monologue on how we got cheated in destiny but literally WOKE UP and played destiny... And what was this great lie, the part about you see that rock you can go there? Are we still on that?

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  • They've lied a handful of times. SBMM and carrying gear forward to name a few

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  • When did bungie ever say we could take out gear forward... I'll wait for a link... Not streamer speculation

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  • "The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete. Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear: The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected" Dafuq is a streamer? Hop off that nut sack kiddo

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  • Nice referencing something for tdb and saying it goes with D2, we just make this shit up as we go along huh

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  • Nah making shit up would go to the bungie dick riders...constantly scrambling and back peddling to find excuses for old daddy bungie. As I said...hop off that nut sack kiddo. To sit there and say they have never lied to their own player base is just straight up funny. I could give a -blam!- tbh...only play Destiny from time to time just to play crucible. They can do whatever they like and it doesn't really bother me. Just thought it was pretty hilarious that some dick rider actually backed up bungie about those lies haha

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  • This was about tdb not d2, talk about using something out of context

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  • Damn

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  • Yep, OP is probably a "conservative" devoid of critical thinking skils and abhorrent to challenging authority. 'cause Jesus says so! In all seriousness, while he makes a good point about these games having long been in development.... the cynicism displayed in the post is a big part of the problem. Bungie, and more importantly Activi$ion, will definitely take notice if pre-orders decline sharply from the original game and if the game fails to meet expected sales predictions. That's the only real way to get through to companies like them anymore. Some devs still actually care and listen to user input and try to accomodate (Square-Enix, Blizzard & to a lesser extent Epic to name a few) but in cases like this where we've clearly been ripped off, it's important to let the devs know they done goofed. How else will things change? They're a business first and formost, which means they need us not the other way around. That's why I'm encouraging everyone I talk to to at least wait until the gameplay previews to pre-order. I think pre-ordering as a whole should probably be nixed as it has only helped to fuel the tide of poor quality, unfinished products being rushed out to market since by doing so you're basically handing over your money for an incomplete item, with the only legal obligation on the part of the developer to get it to market - the quality of said product is entirely subject. Looking back I'm actually kinda surprised no one claimed false advertisement.

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  • Yep, your probably a "liberal" that is devoid of any critical thinking skills and wants government to tell everyone how to spend thier money............. Political banter aside I agree with you about pre-order but don't bash someone on how they decide to spend thier money. It's THEIR money! The OP's point is that if YOU didn't buy the game yourself you don't have any skin in the game or in other words no reason to bitch about it.

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  • So much wrong with this post I don't even know where to begin.... I"m just going to state emphatically that yes, it's every gamer's problem regardless of if they even play Destiny, because it sets a horrible precedent for the industry. Go watch the South Park episode about Freemium games for a great illustration of just what's wrong with Destiny because even though ti's NOT a freemium game, it has all the horrible crap outlined in the episode. ^ that's only the 1st part, there's a 2nd part where he goes into greater detail about skinnerbox tactics etc. sadly I can't find any links to that bit.

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  • Thank you for having a brain. It's rare around here.

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  • You pay for what bungie gives you. Every company in the world makes their product sound like the best thing since sliced bread. Why should bungie act any different? How much time do you spend on a single title? A couple of months to complete? We've played destiny for 3 years. If that is not worth whatever you've paid, then you come across as entitled and spoilt. Wanting the world for a pittance. I've sunk countless hours into a game I've thoroughly enjoyed. I've more than had my money worth, I still play so I'm still getting more for my money. Bungie have not lied once. They may have said things but have had to backtrack because it wasn't feasible to deliver what they said but at no point have I felt hard done by. People need to stop expecting an insane amount of game for their money. How much would you have paid so far for world of Warcraft if you had started subscription when destiny came out? Or ESO if their subscription fees had gone ahead? Destiny has been a bargain!! In every game out there, you pay for DLC. It's how it works. Get over it.

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  • Don't expect any more game at all. I'd pay $200 right now if they'd just undo all the confused tinkering over the past few years. Give me less "game." I'm saying that they should focus on maintaining a quality experience rather than constantly tinkering with things they don't even understand despite their hefty paychecks.

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  • Shit I'd pay $200 if they'd just have special ammo stop being racist. That itself makes things completely broken and I can prove that in a simple image or a few paragraphs.

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