So, I'm thinking about building Trinity, but I don't think I want to make an energy vampire build as I imagine that it would be as boring as playing Necros with his old desecrate. My question here is, would not modding for energy vampire generate a lot of hate from my teammates?
Honestly, the only viable build is that of EV with blessing. (This will also help link, a very good utility ability.) life drain is useless, I can heal more with a single use of blessing, and EV is simply too good of a power. (And can sometimes be a must have for power hungry frames like Vauban) So just focus on power strength and efficiency, and if you have a mod slot opened then slot in a continuity, or something like that for duration. ~[i]Sincerely, a Trinity main[/i]
Edited by Rylor Threev: 4/13/2017 2:38:30 PMMaybe. Every Trinity main when playing with randoms uses ev build (at least that's what I do) it depends of the mission honestly, if it's nothing serious I go abating link build, with friends it's more organized since I mark an enemy and use ev when they need, if the mission is more serious like a sortie then I go ev (my abating link build has low range because I want to deplete the armor of an specific enemy that's next to me not something across the map, that's why I have to mark targets with ev on) So, once again, maybe, it depends of the mission and the players too (if they're not toxic)
Well chances are that whatever is the way you wanna play you still specc enough duration, range and power to keep your team happy. Basicly almost all Trinitys are EV in a way, you are still providing utility and you also kick ass.
Edited by Kankunation: 4/13/2017 1:02:11 PMPossibly, but who cares? Honestly though energy vampire in proabably the 2nd most fun ability in her kit imo. No matter what you will be using it constantly, whether you build towards it or not, because it's just so good.