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This is the dojo official bio page! Feel free to copy your stuff from the old group and post it here if you need to. If you are new, make your bio here!
What is a bio?: You Bio describes who your character is and what they can do. Upon joining, please make a bio for your character. Before making your character, know that olden day characters(such as medieval characters) will likely be trumped by superior technology as well as future tech. The dojo is based in the present day.
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Edited by Orn: 4/7/2017 2:42:46 AM[i]"Once, I walked underneath the scarlet moon, slaying beasts as I pleased- The next moment, I sprinted through the plains of a different realm, finding a new companion at my side- Then, within the realm of Remnant, fighting against the forces of the Grimm- And even after that, I found myself upon Tatakai, with the sparks of battle flickering ever so vibrantly- Does this cycle ever end? Or is this just merely the beginning?[/i] [i]...There's only one way to find out."[/i] [b]Name/Alias:[/b] [i]Arianna Minerva Elizia/Fandango, Confederate Arianna[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]Eighteen[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]Physical Description/Facial Description:[/b] [spoiler][url=http://68.media.tumblr.com/46c924cc5142392e22064d7a8985e076/tumblr_obdq43gJeH1svmgyao1_500.jpg][i]Arianna is practically identical to her "mother", Irina. At six feet and three inches, she towers over most people, while also maintaining a slim, athletic build. Although they're not too noticeable or obnoxious, she has an ample bosom and some other curves. Attractive, in some manner. Arianna's facial structure is also identical to the Vileblood, being sharp and angular, complemented with lightly tanned skin. Her hair is a light silver-blonde color, usually tied in a ponytail.[/i][/url][/spoiler] [b]Personality:[/b] [spoiler][i]While serious and kind at times, Arianna is known for randomly acting childish at times. She respects practically everyone that she concerns herself with, becoming increasingly happier among those select people as she begins to trust them more. She does not inherit Irina's anger issues, but she does suffer from PTSD on the occasion. She's also Italian.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Biography:[/b] Figure it out, damn you. [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]WEAPONRY:[/b] [spoiler][url=http://cdn1.bigcommerce.com/server4100/dd172/products/1267/images/6910/Sword_of_the_WitchKing_Fantasy_Medieval_Sword_With_Scabbard__12788.1357946617.1000.675.jpg?c=2]Confederate Scabbard[/url] [i]A trick weapon that Arianna discovered hidden away, the Confederate Scabbard is a 40' inch long longsword, a five-letter word imprinted into it's ancient blade - "Pluck". The regular form for the weapon is this sword, made of Damascus steel while the hilt is leather and iron.[/i] [url=http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/XAQAAOSwKtVWuszp/s-l400.jpg]Confederate Blade[/url] [i]Arianna can transform her sword into a dagger, as the blade splits in two and slides back into the hilt. It becomes 24' inch long blade, more suitable for CQC than the sword. Of course, this is more of a gladius if anything, but...still.[/i] [url=http://pre02.deviantart.net/d187/th/pre/f/2016/110/e/d/blade_of_mercy_1_by_nazo_the_unsolvable-d9zjxky.jpg]Blades of Mercy[/url] [i]A set of two siderite blades, a metal descended from the heavens - the blades were once used by a Hunter of Hunters, now passed down to Arianna. Combined into a twisted 14' inch long dagger, it can split apart, utilized for rapid slashing.[/i] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/17/a3/46/17a346a3b6bf9020835feae38d5d920f.jpg]Beretta 9mm Handgun[/url] [url=http://nierautomata.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Nier-Automata/virtuous_treaty.png]Virtue (Nodachi)[/url] [i]Virtue's melee weapon form, the weapon is transformed into a five-foot long nodachi blade, counting the handle and all. The handle of Virtue is a foot and a half foot long in total, made of carbon fiber and plated with ceramic, while a layer of leather covers the handle to soften the grip. A round pommel is at the end of the handle for bashing purposes, while a circular hilt separates the blade and handle. The blade of the weapon is approximately forty-eight inches long, an inch thick and two inches wide. The blade is sharpened and slanted, and thus slices through flesh with remarkable ease. The blade is enchanted with Dust, allowing Arianna to launch projectiles at her targets.[/i] [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/003/848/046/large/gianluca-romeo-01-scifi-sniper-rifle-render.jpg?1477929924]Virtue (Sniper)[/url] [i]Virtue's gun form, on the other hand, consists of a semi-automatic .50 caliber sniper rifle, the rounds having to be manually loaded into the weapon after transforming from its blades form, although one round is always kept within the handle (which retracts into the chamber). The weapon holds four Dust-enhanced rounds, for enhanced impact against targets. [/i][/spoiler] [b]ARMOR:[/b] [spoiler][i]Alongside absolutely ridiculous Aura shielding, Arianna's garb includes a layer of carbon fiber underneath, while her chest, stomach, shoulders, forearms, and ankles are armored with ceramic plating, while her elbows and kneecaps are slightly spiked in the case that she has to kick or nail someone in the jaw or stomach. Arianna also wears a visor around her eyes, which allows her to track targets and see heat signatures, although the tracking only extends to twenty feet.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]•Accompanied by the dæmon, Achreíos.[/i] [b]Semblance:[/b] [b][i]Bladewraith[/i][/b] [spoiler][b]Deep blue light surrounds Arianna, as her adrenaline is suddenly activated - Bladewraith, AKA her semblance, enhances her strength and speed over time, as long as it is active. It begins to enhance her ally's own speed and power as well, although it takes a toll on her. If kept going for 15 turns, she has the chance of blacking out when deactivated. If kept going for 20, she will die instantaneously.[/b][/spoiler] [b]Additional Information:[/b] [i]•A proud Confederate of Valtr, Arianna always carries a cane, in memory of the hunter that gave her a purpose.[/i] [i]•Adept at playing the piano and the flute.[/i] [i]•Occasionally suffers from memory loss.[/i] [i]•A Vileblood in hiding.[/i] [b]Theme:[/b]