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Edited by Paradox1055: 4/4/2017 4:28:36 AM

The Guardian Thief Ch. 6: A Dangerous Game

Avilon punched Harkon across his right cheek, staggering the hunter. He fell to the ground, then jumped into the leaves of the trees. The exo was about to raise the shock pistol to the sky, but his arm locked up and shot off sparks in his eyes. He instinctively covered his face so the flash of light didn't blind him. Harkon pounced on Avilon, pinned him to the ground, and held the Thorn to his head. He rubbed his fingers across the handle of the knife that was stuck in Avilon's shoulder, "Thank you, Wayne. You're being such a big help..." He ripped the knife out of the exo, tearing apart more wires. Avilon threw the hunter off of him, then jumped up and began repeatedly punching Harkon's helmet. With each blow, Harkon's helmet cracked behind the wall of void. "My face! My face! My beautiful, horrifying face!" Harkon yelled. He held up his arms to block the blows, but Avilon continued to hit the hunter pinned to the ground. Harkon finally took 'Wayne', then jabbed it into Avilon's throat! "Son of a--" Avilon tried to get the knife out, but Harkon used the knife as leverage and flipped the hunter off of him. Avilon tuck and rolled away, giving Harkon a chance to get his hand cannon ready. One, two, three thorns flew towards the exo. He rolled out of the way, but one stuck into his back and spit out acid, which began to burn away wires. "Uh, oh..." Avilon said to himself. Pool of oil started dripping out of him and soaked into the dirt. "This is for murdering Alex!" Harkon yelled as he took another shot at the exo. "Haha! It seems you've sprung a leak, Bright Eyes..." "Here, have my knife!!" Avilon rolled over and threw his dagger towards the hunter. Harkon dodged the blade and watched it fly past. "No, no, he's not famil--" Harkon turned around to have a bullet crash into his helmet. "No!! No, my face!!" Harkon fell on his back from the impact and tried to hold the void to his helmet. His body thrashed around, as if the escaping void was hurting him. Avilon started limping away through the woods. Oil continued to drip from him, making it more difficult for the exo to walk or move in general; aleady, one of four arms stopped functioning. He rubbed his hand against a tree, then dug through a bush to find a Fallen pike hidden there. As Avilon sped off, a Void arrow crashed into a tree, and a cable stretched to another tree. It caught the exo under his chin like a clothesline. He picked himself up, but his face was covered in the motor oil that pooled up below him. He tried to crawl back to his pike to grab a weapon, but Harkon had perched himself on the hovering vehicle. "I should be so pissed off with you, Bright Eyes, I really should... You won't give me what I want for my side of the deal, and you murdered my child... But, you freed me from the void..." The hunter pulled back his hood, revealing his helmet as no more than a shattered window. His navy blue, Awoken face was revealed with gashes across his cheeks, and blood dripping from his nose and mouth. "What do you mean?" Avilon asked as he started crawling away from the Awoken. Harkon started pacing back and forth. "I followed a warlock into the Void once, and I stayed too long. I don't remember much after that, but I woke up with the warlock at my bedside..." Harkon started laughing again. "He told me the Void 'messed with my head'-- which I believe-- don't you? I looked in the mirror, to see my face replaced with the wall of Void. I knew it was my face, because the warlock told me so... But now, I have [i]my[/i] face again, thanks to you..." "Now what? Are you gonna finish me off?" Avilon asked as he discretely typed a code on his wrist. "Oh, no, no, no! You're too fun, Bright Eyes. I wouldn't kill yeewww... I could go my own way and leave you here, and see where we meet again... Or I could use you as my token to the Thieves, an exchange for my reward for rescuing you. What do you think I should do?" "Wait right there..." Avilon replied. A skiff flew overhead and hovered above the two. A cannon fired a cable that pinned Harkon to the ground by the throat. Then, Avilon grappled to the ship. "You're right, Harkon. This has been a fun game. 'Till the next time..." he said before zipping up. Avilon climbed into the cockpit and set coordinates for the Thieve's Den. Harkon ripped the cable from his neck, then watched as the ship flew off. He dusted off his armor, and wiped away the blood from his mouth. "So, I guess we'll meet again, Bright Eyes... I can hardly wait," Harkon said with a laugh. He holstered Thorn, and slid 'Wayne' into a sheath. [b]Translator[/b]:[spoiler][b]Special thanks to Sarsion for making a post on translating Eliksni into human! It was a big help in this story, and will continue to be so![/b][/b]

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