for -blam!-s sake
after the gigantic shitstorm of negative press from the way you handled the first release, you're gonna copy the exact same format, jesus christ you god damn fools :(
EDIT : if the video isn't playing above, click here [url=]Retailer Leaks Destiny 2 Information[/url]
I have nothing against paying for dlc but dear God fix your game first than start to think about dlc..... Cause this is f***Ing nonsense..... Fortnite get Patch every week and destiny 2 times a year im not paying for anything till this game will work normal
lll you want a game to last 3 years on one purchase? You dumb. You very very dumb. Name another game that lasted 3 years with a $59.99 purchase. [b]i'll wait[/b]
Well, I'm fine with DLC's. But this silver...-thing has to go.
Just wait till after the dlc comes out to buy it all for less than 60 bucks
Douche? Douche? Is that you, Douche?
A game has dlc What a surprise I almost had a heart attack Why would any gaming company do that It's almost as if this is the first time it's happened WOW
The game was always planned to have dlcs from day one, that's not why it was criticized. It was criticized because of the shitstorm that lead to a different story than what we had been told we were getting. Destiny 2 has its core story focus, take back the city from the red legion and defeat ghaul. The expansions tell us the next story will be focusing on Osiris and then Rasputin. If they were included in the original D2 game, it would take time and resources away from making the cabal story the best it could be.
Just limit the minor transactions. I want the full game if I pay for dlc. I don't want to pay 60 for game. 30 for dlc, then another 100 if I want a gun skin.
That's why you don't support it until the 2nd or 3rd dlc comes out. No reason to play destiny 2. It will be released 3-6 more times before the end of the year. Destiny 2, sept. Destiny 2 + dlc 1 pack November, Destiny 2 + dlc pack 1 & 2 march. Destiny 2 + dlc 1 pack for xbox scorpio december.. ect ect These are made up.. but it will go something like this. There are still pc releases and playstation releases. Best thing one can do is just download destiny 2 for pc when it drops. Someone will crack it.
It wasnt the dlc that was the was the lack of content in said dlcs... Every game has dlc now...its how you extent play time...
You don't -blam!-ing say Did you expect fully voiced expansions for free? Do you understand what you're asking for? The DLC will still be in development right now.
I'm sorry, but did I miss the announcement that the involved companies went non-profit and made content strictly for you Pro bono? And if you're this, Triggered, by dlcs, how in gods name did you make it through the last mmo decade?
Gary is that you?
I love how barely anyone agrees with you.....
I remember when people found Kings Watch and found an Ultra Captain. The content was changed to feature 3 Majors. I feel as if these areas are more placeholders just in case they want to change spawns or do something else with the area. I think the game would turn out more unpolished if we don't give feedback on the Vanilla missions.
Why are there more people that actually want to pay for DLCS in the poll? what idiots
Damn, Witcher 3 must be a bad game since it had 2 expansions announced before release.
Welcome to every game you will buy ever. Was this even a big deal for most fans?
That's how games work now.....
Im fine with it, but I want one thing gone CRUCIBLE, Mainly Trials (yes ive gone flawless, so dont try that argument) Bungie spends too much time on it, when a fraction of the community enjoys it, and it causes 99% of the gun nerfs, which effect pve
Why don't you -blam!- off
Welcome to 2017, this ain't no 90's no more son! Every fûcking game has DLC's
DLC-yes Microtransactions-no Exclusives-NO
It's the only way they get money for making a game better. There will be plenty of free updates
Why would you expect anything different?