I left the game after 2 years. Haven't been playing since Taken King. Loved the game but hated how the end-game is. PVE content is limited and then eventually i will have to play PVP. Is PVP still fulfilled with salty little whiny kids who are crying constantly about how the game is broken because their favorite gun was nerfed? Is it still SBMM forcing me to play only sweaty a** matches to the point where i have to wipe my a** crack after every game? Are the guns finally feel reasonable and are protected from whiny kids and nerfs?
Or is it in the exact same spot where 16 year olds are throwing their destinytracker stats at each other while trying to compare non existent skills and are extreme douchbags towards others? Are they still making dance videos which are mentioned in weekly updates or this game finally became a little more mature ?
A little sarcasm inside but overall a serious question.
Looks like you just described any pvp game... So which ever game you choose I guess.