Post your amazing squeaker experiences down below.
My was: this dudes brother stopped us from doing Vosik Challenge.
Edit: We are now trending on endgame
I went in a chat with someone I had been striking with. Turns out he was in a partt wih six squeakers. I ran for my life. However, i did play with a squeaker the other day who is actually lovely and helped me in trials, but all his friends are twats so i cant really join him and i think he thinks i just abuse him for trials. The problem is i cant invite the little dude into my other circle of friends because they wont give him the time of day... which kinda sucks. I remember being that age and trying to game. Also i get mistaken for a kid all the time. My voice isnt really bad, but most people think I am about 16 year old girl or like a ten year old boy. Im a 25 year old female. Sigh.