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3/26/2017 1:04:52 AM

The most afraid/scared you've ever been?

Title. In my case is when I was a 17 year old lad. It was my first few weeks in the kitchen and My place that day was Rotisseur. So basicly we had this Chef. And he was a stereotypical french Chef. Big beer belly, like 50 year old guy. And during the morning when He had his coffee, he was one of the best mentors I've ever had. Until it was 7 pm, which is when He activated his Gordon Ramsey mode. So anyways I was Roti that day and It was already in the summer. We were full and everyone was stressing the hell out because Of all the orders. And like a computer, my Chef almost overheated. Then came the order of a piece of red bream on the grill. I've never worked with it before. Chef gave me instructions and I started grilling. Turned it over and everything went good, up until I took it off. The skin was torn. And I'll say that I had the biggest heart attack of my life ever. The chef was already on 99% of a nervous breakdown, so Messing up this would be my death. Thats when our Sous Chef came. She was almost as stereotypical as him. A motherly figure that would take the blame and be kind and giving. She said that she'd say she made the fish and messed up because she forgot to clean it before putting it on. She eventually the time came to finish the plate and I could see the Chef looking wt the fish, holding his anger. We gave the dish and went on. So when everything was through, he called me and just exploded in my face. I was soo scared of this big fat guy screaming because I messed up something quite expensive. So eventually the Sous Chef came and said she did it, and he still went on for 15 minutes. Then he just went home, saying that we should clean it the kitchen. Cooks will understand the terror of making the Chef angry : ' )
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  • I had a nightmare where Hillary Clinton was elected president. Thank goodness it was just a dream. #freekekistan

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    • Ding-dong-ditching and getting chased by a guy with a gun. I don't know if he actually had one or was just trying to scare us, but at 15 years old, that's terrifying to hear.

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    • Sometimes when I sleep I accidentally sleep on my arm somehow in a weird position so when I wake up I can't feel the arm or move it. I believe it's because there no blood in the arm. But honestly it scares me to death every time because one of my biggest fears is being handicapped in some way that limits life to full potential. And let's be honest losing an arm means playing Destiny would be difficult hahaha. Jokes aside, I feel bad for anyone that is handicap in some way. Waking up only feeling one arm I guess simulates briefly what that experience is like. Much fear.

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      • never really had that feeling of true terror, but i almost broke my neck once. no bones were broken but i spent 3 weeks in bed, and let me tell you; not being able to turn your head is scarier than you might realize.

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        I had let my younger brother go to a party with alcohol. He passed out and didn't answer his phone, then an ambulance went to the house. I felt a deep sinking feeling and a lot of concern, worry, terror for my brother's wellbeing. I had no vehicle at that moment, it was past midnight so no buses were running and I couldn't even get a taxi without a long wait so I ran there. It was a few miles and largely uphill, but the run didn't bother me. I arrived at the party only to find out that the ambulance was for another kid that had been there, the relief was substantial. The kid recovered fine.

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        • I don't feel like explaining the events that lead up to it, but one time this pissed off old fat guy (he was one of those tall fat guys, he was like a -blam!-ing giant) followed my car to where I parked, and was waiting for me to get out of my car. I thought "screw that" and sat in my car. The guy got impatient and instead drove slowly behind my car while flicking me off. I though he was gonna get out of his car and assault me. The funny thing was, the stupid fat -blam!- was the one who was in the wrong when it came to the situation that caused the conflict.

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          • Most terrifying moment of my life was my first panic attack. Thought I was going to die.

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          • When I found out my dad had less than five years to live.

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          • Edited by afanoflafear: 3/27/2017 6:32:42 AM

            Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

            The Omen remake (2006), I was only 13 years old when it was released, that scene where Katherine has a nightmare and sees the Devil in the mirror sent my heart rate up like never before.

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            • 10 years ago paranormal activity was released and I was very young. The night we get back from that movie I remember waking up at 4:12 and seeing my door cracked about an inch. I froze and just sat there staring into the dark for a whole hour. Finally called my dad and turns out he left it open when he made sure I wasn't playing games all night. Or the time I was flying back from Vegas and there was a thunderstorm going on. Seeing lightning hit the planes wing is something that can only spawn from my nightmare, I felt pee leave my body as it hit. Luckily NOTHING happened but we landed and waiting for the storm to pass.

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              • Surfing when I was 15, sitting waiting for a wave. A frigging great white shark come out of no where and passes by me about 3 feet away. I was so scared I froze and could only stare at it as it swam by. Latter I found out I was holding onto the board so tight I put finger indents into it. Thing was like 2,000+ pounds and probably 16 feet long, I'm 5'10 at the time I was probably 140lbs lol

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                • My girlfriend made me catch a wasp in a glass and throw it outside, as I shook the glass she shut the door on me I shit myself as the wasp went for the kill.

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                • When a giant bug jumped out of the sink this morning at me

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                • Waking up and having no feeling in my right arm...scared the shit outta me when I picked it up and it was all limp.

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                  • When my brother hid in the bathtub to scar the shit outta me. It worked too, my heart skipped two beats...

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                  • I was in a car accident when I was about 9 or 10. Terrifying. Broke my ankle, and my brother has a permanent frown on his head (he has an 'n' shaped cut on his head that had to be sealed with medical staples).

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                  • Edited by BurningViper 7-2: 3/27/2017 5:33:46 AM
                    I've had a lot of sleep paralysis problems. But one stood out among all of them. I saw The Exorcist girl right in front of me. Couldn't move, only stare at the back of her head, just waiting and preparing for her to turn her head around and stare at me too. It lasted for about 30-60 seconds, at least it felt like it. And she kept moving her head left and right, but never showing me her face. It felt as real as it could possibly be. [spoiler][b][i][u]Kupo...[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]

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                    • Probably when I had sleep paralysis a few years ago. I felt awake in my bed but I couldn't move at all. It was completely dark in my room and I couldn't move other than slightly opening my eyes. I didn't see anything creepy, just the feeling of it was terrifying. Also one time I woke up around midnight with uncontrollable shaking.

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                      • Kid having 104° temp, seizures and getting pneumonia when he was 6.

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                      • Another time was when I was coming back from miami on a train because I was just on a cruise. The train was 15 minutes out from orlando when we damshed into something, it turned out that we had slammed straight into a semi trucks trailer, everyone was okay but it was terrifying. Especially since the mext day there was a shooting at the airport right after we took off.

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                      • Probably heart failure, long story

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                      • The time I ripped the tag off my mattress

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                        • An 18-wheeler ran a red light and t-bone me in my work truck. Couldn't drive for a few days because I felt like I'd have a panic attack whenever I was in a vehicle.

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                        • I think for me was either when i was going against a violent partner who tried stabbing me when i hit him back, trying to reason with a drunken Russian is just pointless. Realising you can't talk your way out of such a situation and being back into a corner is Terrifying. [b]or[/b] When i was woken up by some men trying to break into my flat. Bit one of theirs hands and wedged myself between the door and the wall and screamed bloody murder for my neighbour. That still haunts me today, don't sleep the same anymore unless someone's with me.

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                          • I'm a machinist and I have to work with a grinder sometimes. When I first started using the grinder one time I hit the wrong lever and the grinding wheel almost hit my diamond tool but I stopped the wheel in time. If it would of hit the diamond the grinding stone would of blown up and it would of taken my head clean off, literally.

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