These videos remind me of what this game used to be, when it was way more fun to play, when your friends actually played with you still. Sure, there was a handcannon meta with Thorn, but at least nothing had really been nerfed hard yet. Back when sunsingers were actually competitive. And shotguns had decent perks, other than 2. Back when sniping was fun. Back when No Land was hated by all, and never used. Yet here it is, getting nerfed. Back when everything about the crucible was fun.....
I miss [b]this[/b] game, it could be so much better.......
And I miss when Bungie actually invited community members onto streams. They haven't done it since ttk reveal streams.
Lies: SirDimetrious
Wreckoning: tripleWRECK
"Nothing had really been nerfed hard yet"? You sure about that? The first VEX specific nerf was a 38% damage Nerf in September 2014. Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.