Hey guys and girls my name is Birdy and in this post im going to go over a op build for the gunslinger that will help you win tons of rumble games. Along with this post i will have a Youtube video up later going farther into how the build works in a standard game of rumble, then a standerd game of 6v6 and 3v3's
So to go over the build. I take inspiration for another user by The CammyCakes, who's main goal is to play anti-meta. The build focuses on pure gun skill and the ability to use the map to your advantage, so this is more of an advanced build, but there no reason to not change it slightly and let newer players use it.
The Primary: The Monty Carlo
The Secondary: The Party Crasher +1 or anything in its archetype with the perk Quick draw on it
The Heavy: a sword of any kind to corner peek
Exotic Armour: Anything to make movement easier, But i use bones of Eao
Perks on the skill Tree
Grenade: Trip mines
Jump: If using bones go with control, and if not use the Triple jumps
Golden Gun: Gunfighter, To use the super more often
Melee: Knife juggler to always have a knife up
Ability slot one: Gunslingers trance
Ability slot two: Whatever you want
Ability slot Three: Gamblers Daggers
The way this build works is it uses the maps, and the height and length difference off the maps in destiny to your advantage. The Monty Carlo gives you the perk that will allow you to use these more, and is all around a good primary at most ranges. The shotgun need to have that quickdraw perk on it to make pull a primary to secondary, or vice versa, and also to pull off close range shotgun shots then throwing knifes, which are so sexy in montages, and just all around fun to use. Another tip is to use yourself as baiting with the trip mines. Say a shotty rusher is on your ass. Turn and throw one at the wall and spray with monty Carlo. Always works to an extent.
If you want to learn more about this build Check out my Youtube Channel. Im gonna start posting stuff more just to help the community out and to help coup with this terrible patch.
If you have an feed back let me know how to improve my build
Shotgun rushers? What meta are you playing in?? I haven't seen a shotgun in weeks.