A week before release we finally get to see the multiplayer. Looks like they tried to keep it as true to the multiplayer of ME3 as possible, which is great imo. Can't wait to jump back in.
This is also the most I think I've seen anyone use cover in MEA gameplay. Its still a cover shooter at its core it seems.
I wasn't going to rush out to buy this game but now that I'm seeing bits and pieces I'm really leaning towards the purchase. Looks a little overwhelming though.
http://www.ign.com/videos/2017/03/15/mass-effect-andromeda-multiplayer-livestream-reveal Man it looks like I will be spending a lot of time playing the MP this time around
Anyone having issues starting it up on PC? I downloaded the game on origin and it just shows a blank black screen.
Looks kinda like a defense style destiny strike
Wasn't a fan of multiplayer in ME3. But looks like I am going to play this since I can be a Krogan
Is this an open beta?
Im looking forward to playing this
Nice. Seems exactly like ME3's MP, which I thought was great and very addictive. Some kind of Commo-Rose like Battlefield's would be nice so that we can communicate without needing mics. Stuff like "Low health, need cover!" or "Powers on cooldown!" etc. Things that would benefit the team if they knew.
Preordered. First game I've ever preordered in my life and I don't regret a dollar of it. Considering the benefits, $10 extra is a small price to pay. Anyways I'll be off. As I'm typing this I'm but minutes away from seeing my algebra teacher get pied in the face in grand celebration of pi day.
Fking finally. Its all i wanted. Now i can get the game. Dont care how crap the campaign is. No need to reply kank
SO hyped for this game!