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Edited by Fourteen 88: 3/13/2017 1:17:56 PM

When is a nation leader going to man up and do what needs to be done?

Ever since I broke free of the brainwashing imposed by religion and the mainstream media, I realized we have a serious problem on the planet. I've been waiting and waiting, following every election, and every candidate's policies. Not one of them has brought this problem up once. A lot of people like to disguise it as other problems, like global warming, food shortages, poverty, unemployment, liberalism, etc. Lots of terrible things. But these are only symptoms of the real problem, and will never go away until the problem is treated from the source.[spoiler]There are way too many -blam!-ing people on this planet.[/spoiler]Seriously. We need some kind of plague and actually let it roll through this time, or someone to man up and just start killing people. Hitler kind of had the right idea, except he targeted the wrong group of people. I've been thinking of this plan for a long time, and I think I've come up with a good solution. This is how I would do it if I was in charge: First of all, I would have to control the media. You can't have people know what's actually going on. You also will need those media outlets to spit out propaganda to control what people think and to get people to like and respect you, even if you are an evil piece of shit in the eyes of many. Just like what the Democrats have been doing for years. Except for this time, instead of instigating riots and meaningless protests, which is all that's been accomplished so far, it will actually be for a good cause. Controlling the media will also slow the spread of the mental disorder known as Liberalism, since their message will no longer be conveyed through the MSM. Next, I would enforce a policy to control pregnancies. The policy would state that in order to have a child, you would need to be in a steady and healthy relationship for at least four years, and be able to support the child financially (I thought this was common sense but apparently not). Violating this policy is punishable by death. Rapists also get the death penalty, and if a baby is part of that outcome then it will have to be aborted if the -blam!- victim does not meet the requirements. This policy will train people to control their sexual urges and become more civilised and less of a savage, or cleanse the ones that can't adapt. It will also stop people from spreading their inferior genes around, lower the rate of single mothers who leech off the government, and most importantly of all give the child a better life. Finally, there would be a certain demographic of people I would target for cleansing. It has nothing to do with race or religion or anything like that. I would cleanse the world of the filth known as Instagram hoes. These people contribute absolutely nothing useful for society, will never have a progressive idea, and have the IQ equivalent to a table. Anyone who has ever talked to one will know this. The people who follow these hoes would also be up for extermination. "Oh gee I wonder what her ass will look like today!" This is about the only thought these people can come up with. Nobody will miss these people and we won't be losing anyone important. I would track their locations through their Instagram accounts and send the Brown Shirts in to clean up the scum. Since the media would be controlled, nobody would find out so there wouldn't be any chance for a rebellion. This solution will advertently reduce the symptoms that were previously mentioned, while also clearing up a lot of room on the highway.

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  • There are not too many ppl on this planet. I know what you mean, but there actually aren't. Every person on the planet could fit into Alaska. It's just we own land. There's too much greed. There's too much consumption. If you look at the footprint from say a poor person in comparison to a rich person, the poor person barely leaves any environmental footprint while the rich person contributes a ton. We enjoy too great of lifestyles for everyone to get their basic needs met. And I simply don't understand that. It's simple edicit when in a line for food, that you don't go up for seconds until everyone has had a turn. So we can be mature when it comes to a food line, but not people's lives. We are a completely uncompassionate society who likes to boast about its generosity and goodwill. We act like taking care of everyone is an impossible feat. I mean, come on, set up a system that supplies everyone with food, water, and shelter....then go from there and don't change the things that offer the 3 basic essentials. But no, it makes total sense that a guy like trump, who is clearly an asshole, as well as most politicians and ceos, is a billionaire, while I know really good ppl who live in trailers. When you see someone like trump succeed, don't you kind of think....well we messed up this system somehow. When it's hillary vs trump for the president, can't we admit...well, this system obviously doesn't work.

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