What did you get from Xylar?
I got: Year 4 Gjallarthorn, 2 Radiant Siva Ascendant Moldering Shards, and a Shattered Batman Cape
Edit: This morning I completed it at reset and got a rare sidearm with shank burn and vacumn, and then I got 3 squashed tomatoes
Edited by TJTheSlumpGod: 3/14/2017 3:38:47 PMhttps://www.bestdestinycarries.com/collections/raids?gclid=CJ-gx6eW1dICFda4wAodgsYIEw
These post stopped being even remotely entertaining like a year ago.
I only got 19 strange coins. 😥
Lots of money. He does my taxes every year.
I got a dead horse
i got an unused condom, a titanite slab, $201.50, and crippling depression
I got the rainbow burn gjallarhorn. Thanks xylar.
Come back when you have something original. The joke's dead.
I got the SIVA ornament for Sleeper Simulant and Pocket Infinity. I also received the VOG Sword and Crota's End Sword with their respective leveling items, and the new frost gun.
You need to be there for the Lot of Imbal. Every five years, they decapitate their king and whoever catches the head is the new king (for the next five years).