With all the recent 'Adjustments' and 'Balances' to arguably the strongest PvP classes [b]All arc classes[/b] I've been getting some flack for using Sunsinger[spoiler]been using it for long before the latest update[/spoiler]I love that most of my friends will call me out for how great my melee is or how long my melee is, and sometimes even mention my melee being really strong. They then proceed to throw smoke/grenade and evade backwards.
I'm glad that we've come full circle and can all agree that Sunsingers are one of the strongest classes for all gametypes, both PvP and PvE.
But.....What do YOUUU think? Leave a comment below and subscribe smash that like button let's shoot for 500,000 OK 👌
I enjoy it but hunter is infinitely better