Have you ever said something on the forums that isn't a big deal to make out of but people were triggered by it so badly that they made their own topic or comment just to talk 💩 about you?
That have happened to me recently.
[b]EDIT:I know this is common in Offtopic. I just want to hear recent stories and the worsening of Offtopic.[/b]
I have a special ability to trigger people. Case in point: PA - [something about wanting to sleep with Freddy Mercury even tho she was a lesbian] NL - That's actually pretty funny. You aren't nearly as bad as people make you out to be. PA - You think my sexuality is a joke [triggered rage] NL - No...your comment was just genuinely funny and made me laugh at how you stated it. I think she said something about being the gayest gay that ever gayed...I don't really remember, but it was funny as hell.